Patient Education: K-O
- Keep Moving - How to stay active while in the hospital
- Keep Moving in the Hospital
- Kidney Care Clinic
- Kidney and Urinary Program:
- Adding Calories to Your Renal Diet
- Advance Care Planning - Introduction
- Advance Care Planning - My Advance Care Plan for Personal Care
- Advanced Care Planning - A Guide for Being a Substitute Decision-Maker
- After Your Kidney Transplant
- Best Foot Forward Program - Professional Foot and Nail Care Service
- Foot and Nail Care
- Good Nutrition - Better Health - After Your Kidney Transplant
- Independent Home Hemodialysis Program
- Infiltration when you have a fistula or graft
- Information from the Internet
- Kidney Care Clinic
- Kidney Disease and Fibre
- Kidney Disease and Fluids
- Kidney Disease and Phosphorus
- Kidney Disease and Protein
- Kidney Disease and Potassium
- Kidney Disease and Sodium
- Kidney Disease and Your Diet
- Kidney Disease - Tips on Eating Out
- Kidney Donor Book - When You Are Thinking About Donating Your Kidney...Information about Living Kidney Donation
- Kidney Recipient Book - Your Kidney Transplant - Information for kidney transplant recipients, their families and supports
- Kidney Transplant Donors - Types of
- Muscle Cramps and Dialysis
- Nephrostomy Tube - Not for Kidney Stones
- Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy Test called Kt/V
- Peritoneal Dialysis Program
- Renal Biopsy
- Transplant Program Map
- Urea Reduction Ratio for Dialysis
- Vaccinations, Flu Shot and Pneumonia Shot When You have Chronic Kidney Disease
- Vegetarian - Eating Vegetarian with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Welcome to the Renal Transplant Unit - Information Book
- Kidney Stones and Diet
- Kidney Transplant - After Surgery Information
- Kidney Transplant Donors - Types of
- Kidney Transplant - Good Nutrition - Better Health
- Kidney Transplant - Living with Diabetes Caused by Anti-Rejection Medications
- Kidney Transplant - Managing Blood Sugar, Medication and Insulin
- Knee:
- Knee Replacement Surgery - Planning Checklist
- Knee Replacement Surgery - Steps to Hip or Knee Surgery
- Knee Replacement Surgery - Your New Knee (book)
- Knee Surgery Education Videos
- Lactose - Eating less
- Lactulose - Medication Information
- Lactulose - Medication Information for Renal Patients
- Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH)
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - Gallbladder Surgery
- Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery
- Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery - Diet After
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy Surgery
- Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Surgery
- Laparoscopic Vaginal Hysterectomy - LAVH
- Laryngectomy Surgery - A Speech-Language Pathologist
- Laryngectomy Surgery (Before and After)
- Laryngectomy Surgery - Care of Your Tracheostoma Speaking Valve
- Laryngectomy Surgery - Communication Methods for Laryngectomy Patients
- Laryngectomy Surgery - Tips for Using an Electrolarynx
- Laryngectomy Surgery - How to Look After Your Laryngectomy Tube
- Laryngectomy Surgery - Stoma Care
- Laryngectomy Surgery - Speaking After
- Laryngectomy Surgery - Supraglottic
- Laser Eye Treatment
- Latex Reaction and Allergy
- Lavez-vous les mains (French) - Clean your hands
- Leg Amputation and Your Recovery
- Leg exercises - Standing - Regional Joint Assessment Program
- Legionnaires' Disease
- Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists - Medication Information
- Levothyroxine - Medication Information
- Listeria / Listeriosis
- Lithium - Medication Information
- Lithotripsy - Cystoscopy, Pyelogram, Lithotripsy and Urinary Stent
- Liver Resection
- Living, Loving and Your Heart
- Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
- Low Molecular Weight Heparin - Medication Information
- Low Tyramine Diet
- Lung Diagnostic Assessment Program - LUNG DAP
- Lungs - Healthy
- Lungs - Help Yourself Breathe - Tender Loving Care for Your Lungs
- Lung Irritants - Respiratory Rehabilitation Program
- Lung Irritants - Ways to Reduce Exposure - Respiratory Rehabilitation Program
- Lung Surgery - Physiotherapy after Lung Surgery
- Lyme Disease
- Malaria
- Malignant Hyperthermia and Surgery
- Marijuana and Breastfeeding
- Mediastinoscopy
- Medical Step Down Unit and Coronary Care Unit - Welcome Information Book
- Medication Reconciliation and MedsCheck
- Medications to help you quit smoking (English)
- Medroxyprogesterone Intramuscular Medication Information
- Melatonin - Medication Information
- Meningitis - Bacterial
- Meningitis - Viral
- Mental Health - Welcome to Acute Mental Health - Orchard 1- Information Book
- Metapneumovirus - (hMPV)
- Metered Dose Inhaler - Using a Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler - Step by Step Pictures
- Metformin - Medication Information
- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
- Methotrexate - Medication Information
- Methotrexate for Ectopic Pregnancy
- Metoclopramide - Medication Information
- Metolazone - Medication Information
- Mexiletene - Medication Information
- Mindfulness Group Program (Community Psychiatry)
- Misoprostol - Medication Information for treatment of pregnancy loss
- Mirtazapine - Medication Information
- Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Mononucleosis (Mono)
- Morphine - Medication Information
- Mother and Baby Unit - Information Book
- Mouth Care - After Head and Neck Surgery
- Mucomyst - Acetylcysteine
- Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter (MRA)
- Multi-drug Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB)
- Multi-drug Resistant Candida auris
- Multi-drug Resistant Enterobacter cloacae
- Multi-drug Resistant Pseudomonas
- Muscle Cramps and Dialysis
- Nasal and Sinus Surgery
- Nasal Polyps - Aspirin, Pain Relievers, Cold and Fever Remedies and Arthritis Medications when you have asthma, rhinitis or nasal polyps
- Neck Disc Operation - After - Dr. Reddy
- Neck Dissection Surgery
- Nefazodone - Medication Information
- Nephrectomy Surgery - Open Method
- Nephrectomy Surgery - Laparoscopic
- Nephrology Unit - Welcome Information Book
- Nephrostomy Tube (not for kidney stones) - Before, During, After and At Home
- Nephrostomy Tube - (when you have kidney stones) - Before, During and After
- Neuroleptic - Medication Information
- Neobladder - Orthotopic Bladder Reconstruction Surgery
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - A guide for caregivers with a newborn withdrawing from drugs and medications
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Special Care Nursery):
- Apnea and Bradycardia
- Breathing with Oxygen
- Cold Sores (Information for Parents)
- Guidelines for Parents Using Bunk Rooms
- Help us keep your baby safe (Infection Control)
- Hepatitis B - Newborn
- Infection and Your Baby
- Intravenous - When your baby needs an intravenous
- Intraventricular Hemorrhage or IVH
- Jaundice and your baby
- Learning to care for your baby
- My baby needs help breathing from a ventilator
- Necrotizing Entercolitis or NEC
- Newborn Screening - First Level Testing
- Newborn Screening - Second Level Testing
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus - PDA
- Pseudomonas in the NICU
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus - RSV
- Retinopathy of Prematurity - ROP
- Serratia in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- Surfactant - How Surfactant Helps Your Baby's Lungs
- Welcome to the Unit - Information Book
- Your Baby's Breathing
- Newborn - Hepatitis B
- Newborn Screening - First Level Test
- Newborn Screening - Second Level Test
- Nifedipine - Medication Information
- Nitrates - Oral - Medication Information
- Nitroglycerin - Patch - Medication Information
- Nitroglycerin - Pumpspray - Medication Information
- Nitroglycerin - Sublingual Tablets - Medication Information
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) - Medication Information
- Norovirus
- Nutrition and Lung Disease (Respiratory Rehabilitation Program)
- Occupational Therapy - Helpful Hints to Manage at Home
- Olanzapine - Medication Information
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
- Orchiectomy Surgery - Removal of Testicle(s)
- Orlistat - Medication Information
- Orthotopic Bladder Reconstruction Surgery - Neobladder Surgery
- Orthoptic Eye Exam
- Osmotic stool softener - Polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Medication Information - English)
- Osteoporosis - Preventing Osteoporosis - Eating Disorders Clinic
- Osteoporosis and Promoting Healthy Bones
- Osteoporosis - Staying healthy and safe by building stronger bones
- Ostomy - SenSura® 2-piece ostomy pouch
- Outpatient instructions after a transfusion
- Overnight Oximetrry - Sleep Study
- Oxalate in Food
- Oxybutynin - Medication Information
- Oxycodone
- Oxygen - Your Oxygen Prescription (Respiratory Rehabilitation Program)
- Oxygen Therapy (Respiratory Rehabilitation Program)