What this service does...
The Redevelopment and Facilities Management Departments at St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton, are responsible for:
- Ensuring that the buildings are properly maintained
- Management of major capital (building) projects
- Making certain that renovations to our facility meet the needs of patients, visitors, volunteers, staff and physicians
- Managing the standardization, installation and maintenance of hospital way-finding signs
How this service helps...
- Ongoing maintenance provides a safe and comfortable environment for all occupants
- Implemented energy conservation efforts minimize waste
- Renovations enhance the patient experience and the quality of work-life for the St. Joseph’s care team members. Thoughtful design of healthcare settings can improve overall patient health and reduce the risk of injury to hospital staff
- Appropriate signage improves the patient journey through the facility
Your Service Team
Charlton/King Redevelopment Manager, Jamie Wraight
Charlton/King Facility Manager, Wade Sabean
West 5th Facility Contract Manager, Glenn Pedersen
Jamie Wraight 905-522-1155 Ext. 35946
Wade Sabean 905-522-1155 Ext. 33462
Glenn Pedersen 905-522-1155 Ext. 39376
Maps & Directions
After Your Visit
Please contact a Redevelopment or Facilities Manager to communicate any suggestions or opportunities for improvement after your visit to any campus at
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.