Patient Education: A-E
- 9 and 10 Acute Mental Health Unit - Welcome Information Book
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair - EVAR
- Acarbose - Medication Information
- Acetaminophen - Medication Information
- Acetaminophen with Codeine - Medication Information
- Acetaminophen Medication for Your Child's Fever and Pain
- Acetaminophen with Oxycodone
- Acetylcysteine - Mucomyst
- Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) - Medication Information
- Adding Calories to Your Renal Diet
- Adenoid Surgery - Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy (T & A) - Removal of Tonsils and Adenoids Surgery
- Advanced Care Planning:
- AeroChamber with an Aerosol Inhaler - Using (Steps with Pictures)
- AeroChamber with a Pressurized Inhaler and Mask - Using (Steps with Pictures)
- Aggrenox - Medication Information
- Albumin (Dialysis)
- Alfacalcidol - Medication Information
- Aliskiren (Rasilez) - Medication Information
- Allergies to Pollen and Mould
- Allergy to Animals or Birds
- Allergy - Dust Mite
- Allergy - Egg
- Allergy - Latex
- Allergy - Peanut Allergy
- Allergy Shots - Giving your permission for allergy shots
- Allergy Skin Testing
- Allergy symptoms of the nose and eyes - Treatment for
- Alpha Blockers - Medication Information
- Alphacalcidol - Medication Information
- Alphacalcidol - Medication Information for Renal Patients
- Alprazolam
- Alternate Level of Care Unit - Welcome Book
- Aluminum Hydroxide & Magnesium Hydroxide Antacids - Medication Information (English)
- Amantadine - Medication Information
- 5-Aminosalicylic Acid - Medication Information
- Amiodarone - Medication Information
- Amlodipine - Medication Information
- Amputation - Leg Amputation and Your Recovery
- Anaphylaxis
- Anesthesiologist, Anesthesia and Pain Control
- Angiogram - for graft and fistula
- Angioplasty - for graft and fistula
- Angioplasty - Getting Ready for Cardiac Catheterization and/or Angioplasty
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE Inhibitor)
- Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBS) - Medication Information
- Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea
- Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) - Going home with...
- Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) - Going to the JCC with...
- Anticholinergic - Inhaled Bronchodilator - Medication Information
- Anticholinergic Drugs - Medication Information
- Antiparkinson - Medication Information
- Anxiety, Panic and COPD (Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health)
- Apheresis or Plasma Exchange
- Apixaban - Medication Information
- Appendectomy Surgery
- Arthritis - Exercising with arthritis - Regional Joint Assessment Program
- Arthritis Friendly Aquatic Exercise Programs - Regional Joint Assessment Program
- Arthroscopy of a Joint
- Arthrotec® (Diclofenac and Misoprostol) - Medication Information (English)
- A-Scan Eye Test
- Asthma
- Asthma - Air Pollution, Smog and Children with Asthma
- Asthma - Aspirin, Pain Relievers, Cold and Fever Remedies and Arthritis Medications when you have asthma, rhinitis or nasal polyps
- Asthma Diary
- Asthma - Family Asthma Education Program (brochure)
- Asthma and Pregnancy
- Asthma - Some Medications and Food Additives Make Asthma Worse
- Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema - Helpful Hints for Personal Care
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Atrial Fibrillation Ablation (English)
- Avian Influenza (Avian Flu)
- Avoiding Caregiver Burnout - Looking after yourself when you are looking after someone else
- Axillary Lymph Node Dissection - Breast Surgery
- Azathioprine - Medication Information
- Baby:
- Baby's Second Night
- Blood glucose in newborn babies
- Breastfeeding and marijuana
- Breastfeeding...and treating thrush
- Breastfeeding...how to use a nipple shield
- Breastfeeding...how to stop breastfeeding quickly
- Breastfeeding - taking medication with codeine to relieve pain
- Breastfeeding...twins, triplets and more
- Breastfeeding....using a lactation aid
- Breastfeeding...when your baby will not latch on
- Breastfeeding - Learning to Breastfeed Your Baby
- Breastfeeding...your adopted baby
- Breastfeeding.. your older baby
- Breastfeeding...your premature baby
- Breastfeeding - Your breastmilk is all your baby needs
- Breastmilk fortifiers and your preterm baby
- Chronic Lung Disease (premature babies)
- Cold sores - Information for parents who have cold sores
- Cue-based feeding in the Neonatal Nurseries
- Formula Feeding Your Baby
- From Hospital to Home - Parent Guide and Safety Tips
- Getting Ready for Childbirth and Your New Baby
- Guidelines for Parents Using Bunk Rooms
- Help us keep your baby safe (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - NICU)
- Hepatitis B - Newborn
- Infection and your baby
- Jaundice and your baby
- Learning to care for your baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Special Care Nursery)
- Movement Count
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
- Newborn Screening (First Test Screening)
- Newborn Screening (Second Test Screening)
- Pacifiers (soothers) and breastfeeding in the Special Care Nursery
- Phototherapy (Treatment of jaundice in newborns)
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus - RSV
- Serratia in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Special Care Nursery
- Tummy Time for your baby
- When you are admitted to hospital and breastfeeding - information for mothers and families
- Your baby's breathing
- Back Operation - After Your Back Operation - Dr. Dunlop
- Back Operation - After Your Back Operation - Dr. Reddy
- Back Pain, Posture and Body Mechanics (Respiratory Rehabilitation Program)
- Baclofen - Medication Information
- Bariatric Medical Program and Clinic - Welcome Information Pamphlet
- Bariatric Medical Program and Clinic - Lifestyle Program
- Bariatric Medical Program and Clinic - Optifast Program
- Bariatric Program - Orientation Class
- Bariatric Surgery - Before Surgery Shopping List
- Bariatric Surgery - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Group for People after Bariatric Surgery
- Bariatric Surgery - Duodenal Switch Procedure
- Bariatric Surgery - Gastric Bypass or Gastic Sleeve
- Bariatric Surgery - Optifast Diet Instructions
- Bariatric Surgery - Outpatient Pharmacy Information for the Bariatric Program
- Bariatric Surgery - Planning for Budgeting
- Bariatric Surgery - Prices for Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements
- Bariatric Surgery - Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the Bariatric Program - Liquid and Chewable Supplement Plan
- Basic Foot and Nail Care
- Bed Bugs
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and Epley Maneuver
- Benzodiazepine - Medication Information
- Best Foot Forward Program
- Beta Blocker - Medication Information
- Biopsy - Renal
- Birth - Preparing for Birth - Tell us what you prefer
- Blood glucose in newborn babies
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Sugar and Gestational Diabetes
- Blood Transfusion
- Blood Transfusion - Outpatient instructions after a transfusion
- Bone Scan - Getting Ready for a Bone Scan
- Bones - Staying healthy and safe by building stronger bones
- Botulism
- Bowel Surgery - A Guide to Enhancing Your Recovery after Bowel Surgery (ERAS)
- Breast Biopsy
- Breast Care - Caring for your breasts - Information for Bereaved Mothers
- Breastfeeding:
- Breastfeeding and Marijuana
- Breastfeeding...and treating thrush
- Breastfeeding...how to stop breastfeeding quickly
- Breastfeeding...how to use a nipple shield
- Breastfeeding - taking medication with codeine to relieve pain
- Breastfeeding...twins, triplets and more
- Breastfeeding...when your baby will not latch on
- Breastfeeding...when you are admitted to hospital and breastfeeding - information for mothers and families
- Breastfeeding....Learning to Breastfeed Your Baby
- Breastfeeding...your adopted baby
- Breastfeeding...Your breastmilk is all your baby needs
- Breastfeeding...your older baby
- Breastfeeding...your premature baby
- Breast milk fortifiers and your preterm baby
- Breast Surgery - Before and After
- Breast Surgery - Breast Biopsy
- Breast Surgery – Sentinel Lymph Node Scan and Biopsy of the Breast
- Breast Surgery - Axillary Lymph Node Dissection
- Breathing - Help Yourself Breathe - Tender Loving Care for Your Lungs
- Breezhaler - How to Use
- Broken Hip - Moving Forward (Fractured Hip Patient Education Book)
- Bronchodilator - Inhaled Long Acting Beta 2-Agonist - Medication Information
- Bronchodilator - Inhaled Long Acting Muscarinic and Beta 2-Agonist Combination Medication
- Bronchodilator - Inhaled Muscarinic Antagonist - Medication Information
- Bronchodilator - Inhaled Short Acting - Medication Information
- Bronchoscopy - for Inpatients
- Bronchoscopy (After) - for Outpatients - Endoscopy Unit
- Bronchoscopy (Getting Ready) - for Outpatients- Endoscopy Unit
- Bulk forming agents - Medication Information
- Bupropion - Medication Information
- Burnout - Avoiding Caregiver Burnout - Looking after yourself when you are looking after someone else
- Buspirone
- Buttonhole - Making a Buttonhole Using Clampcaths (for Hemodialysis)
- Buttonhole Needling for a Fistula
- Caffeine
- Calcium - Low Fat - Lower Calorie Ways to Add Calcium to Your Diet
- Calcium - When Phosphorus and Calcium are Out of Balance
- Cancer - Juravinski Regional Cancer Centre - virtual tour, patient information
- Carbamazepine - Medication Information
- Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE)
- Carbohydrate (Carb) Counting - Basic Guide
- Cardiac -Getting Ready for Cardiac Catheterization and/or Angioplasty
- Cardiology Unit - Welcome Information Book
- Cardioversion - Electrical
- Caregiver Burnout - Looking after yourself when you are looking after someone else
- Cast Care - Emergency Department and Urgent Care Department Card
- Cast Care - When you have a cast
- Catheter - Going Home with a urinary catheter for a Man
- Catheter - Going home with a urinary catheter for a Woman
- Catheterization - Intermittent Catheterization - Steps for Men and Women
- Central Venous Catheter
- Cervical Ripening Using a Medication called Cervidil
- Cervical Ripening with Prostaglandin Gel
- Chair Exercises and Lifting Weights
- Chest Drainage - A Heimlich Valve
- Chest Surgery - Thoracic Surgery (Before and After in Hospital)
- Chest Surgery - VATS - Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery
- Chest Tubes
- Chest Tube - Home with Pleur-evac
- Chest Tube - Pleurodesis
- Chest Unit - Welcome Information Book
- Chickenpox
- Childbirth - Getting Ready for Childbirth and Your New Baby
- Cholecystectomy - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Surgery)
- Cholera
- Cholestyramine - Medication Information
- Chronic Lung Disease (Premature Babies)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Chronic Kidney Disease - Vaccinations, Flu Shot and Pneumonia Shot
- Chyle leak - Fat free diet
- Cinacalcet - Medication Information for Renal Patients
- Ciprofloxacin - Medication Information
- Circumcision for Adult Male
- Citalopram
- Clean your hands (English)
- Clean your hands (French) - Lavez-vous les mains
- Clonazepam - Medication Information
- Clonidine
- Clopidogrel - Medication Information
- Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
- Clostridium difficile (C. diff) - Going home with...
- Clozapine - Medication Information
- Cold or Flu - Is it a cold or flu?
- Cold Sores - Information for parents who have cold sores
- Colon Polyps
- Colonoscopy - (After) for Outpatients - Endoscopy Unit
- Colonoscopy - (Getting Ready) for Outpatients - Endoscopy Unit
- Colonoscopy Screening Clinic - Getting Ready for
- Colostomy - Life After Your Colostomy (Coloplast)
- Colostomy Surgery and Your Care
- Colposcopy Clinic - Your Colposcopy Clinic Visit
- Combined Endosonography Staging (CES) - After Information
- Combined Endosonography Staging (CES) - Before Information
- Complex Care Program - Support Your Recovery in Complex Care
- Complex Care Program - Welcome Information Book
- Cone Biopsy - After
- Confusion - Acute Confusion or Delirium
- Constipation
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - CPAP - Respiratory Rehabilitation Program
- Continence Program
- COPD Patient Education Package
- Corneal Transplant
- Coronary Care Unit - Welcome to the Medical Step Down Unit and Coronary Care Unit Information Book
- Cortisone and Your Diet
- COVID-19
- Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD)
- Crohn's Disease - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Croup
- Crutches - Using Crutches
- Cue-based feeding in the Neonatal Nurseries
- Cyclic Antidepressants - Medication Information
- Cystoscopy
- Cystoscopy, Pyelogram, Lithotripsy and Urinary Stent
- Dabigatran - Medication Information
- Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) - Eye Surgery
- Darbepoetin
- Death and Dying - Precious Moments - Giving comfort and support
- Deciding About Tube Feeding - A guide for you, as a patient, or your Substitute Decision-Maker(s)
- Dehydration (in Adults) and How to Prevent It
- Delirium or Acute Confusion "My family member is not like this at home"
- Depo-Antipsychotic Medications
- Depo-Provera®
- Depot Neuroleptic - Medication Information
- Depression in Older Adults in hospitals
- Dermatitis - Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema - Helpful Hints for Personal Care
- Dexamethasone
- Diabetes
- Activity for Type 2 Diabetes
- After Kidney Transplant - Living with Diabetes Caused by Kidney Transplant Anti-Rejection Medications - 2 page handout
- After Kidney Transplant - Living with Diabetes Caused by Kidney Transplant Anti-Rejection Medications - Book
- Best Foot Forward Program
- Blood Sugar Testing
- Carbohydrate Counting - Basic Guide
- Caring for Yourself (Target Levels)
- Chair Exercises and Lifting Weights
- Diabetic Food Guide
- Diabetes - The Basics - Information to help you understand and learn to live with diabetes
- Diabetes Care Partners - Hamilton Health Science Diabetes Care & Research Program
- Driving
- Driving Commercial Vehicles
- Eating Healthy
- Foot Care - Basic Foot and Nail Care
- Foot Care - Best Foot Forward Program
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
- Gestational Diabetes - Nutrition
- High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia)
- Insulin Pump - Using an Insulin Pump and Getting Assistive Devices Program Funding
- Living Well with Diabetes - Information to help you understand and learn to live with diabetes
- Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
- Managing Sick Days for Type 2 Diabetes
- Managing Stress
- My Sick Day Plan for Type 1 Diabetes on Multiple Daily Injections (MDI)
- Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and Diabetes
- Reducing risks for problems
- Welcome to the Diabetes Care and Education Program - King Campus
- Welcome to the Diabetes Care and Education Program - West 5th Campus
- Welcome to the Renal Transplant Diabetes Program
- What Diabetes Is
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
- Diagnostic Tests (Respiratory Rehabilitation Program)
- Dilatation and Currettage (D&C)
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea - Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea Fact Sheet
- Diarrhea and/or Vomiting for Adults
- Diarrhea and/or Vomiting for Children and Breastfeeding Infants and Children
- Diclectin - Medication Information
- Diet - Kidney Disease and Your Diet
- Diet - Low Tyramine
- Digoxin - Medication Information
- Diltiazem - Medication Information
- Discharge Planning - Getting Ready for Discharge
- Diskus Inhaler - Using (Step by Step with pictures)
- Diverticular Disease - Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
- Diverticulitis Diet
- Docusate Sodium - Medication Information for Renal Patients
- Domperidone - Medication Information
- Driving - Diabetes
- Dronedarone - Medication Information
- Dust Mite Allergy
- Dysphagia (Problems swallowing)
- Eating Disorders Clinic - Preventing Osteoporosis
- Ebola Virus
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis - Helpful Hints for Personal Care
- Endoscopy Procedure - Getting Ready for Your Endoscopy Procedure
- Egg Allergy
- Electrical Cardioversion
- Electrolarnyx - Tips for Using
- Electrophysiology Heart Study
- ELLIPTA Inhaler - How to Use
- Emergency Department - Welcome Information Book
- Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) (What it is and how to prepare for it)
- Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) (After)
- Endometrial Ablation
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography - ERCP (After) for Outpatients in Endoscopy Unit
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography - ERCP (Getting Ready) for Outpatients in Endoscopy Unit
- Endoscopy Procedure - Getting Ready for Your Endoscopy Procedure
- Endothelial Keratoplasty (Eye Surgery)
- Energy Conservation - 4 Ps
- Energy - How to Save Your Energy - Tips for Getting Washed and Dressed (Respiratory Rehabilitation Program)
- Energy - How to Save Your Energy
- Energy - Save your energy after heart surgery
- Epley Maneuver - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Epidural or Spinal for Pain Relief During Labour
- EpiPen Auto-Injector - How to Use
- ERAS - A Guide to Enhancing Your Recovery after Bowel Surgery
- Erythropoietin - Medication Information
- Erythropoetin and EPO Medication
- ESBL - Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase
- Esophagectomy Surgery
- Esophagectomy Surgery - Diet and Nutrition After
- Estrogen - Medication Information
- Ethacrynic Acid - Medication Information
- Ethambutol - Medication Information
- Exercise and Activity for Your Heart - After Heart Surgery
- Exercising When You Have Breathing Problems
- Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL)
- Eye Clinic - Hamilton Regional Eye Institute - Eye Clinic and Surgery Centre at the King Street Campus - Information Book
- Ezetimibe - Medication Information