As healthcare providers, we have a particular responsibility to understand and address the health consequences of cannabis. In the same manner as alcohol, there is a segment of the population that can use marijuana on an occasional basis without significant adverse consequences. However, marijuana can be highly addictive, and also have significant adverse consequences for certain groups in our population, including young people and individuals with mental health issues. Alcohol and cigarettes are both legal but can have significant health, financial, social and emotional consequences. As an academic, research institution, it is our duty to recognize this, continue to do research, and use evidence-based approaches to care for those vulnerable to its effects.
The utilization of any type of recreational cannabis product is not permitted inside or on the grounds of any of our hospital sites. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the Cannabis Act, prohibit the smoking/use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes and cannabis (medical and non-medical) on hospital property. Click here for more information and resources.
Hear what our leading experts are saying about cannabis use and research.
Click the links below to articles where our experts provide much needed answers about cannabis myths and research.
Hamilton Spectator: Veterans and cannabis: ‘I went from arresting people with drugs to using medical marijuana’
Co-directors of Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton call for prioritizing research on cannabis use among Canadian veterans.
CBC: White Coat, Black Art
This podcast has the lowdown on getting high.
A Study of Facts to Counter the Fiction about Cannabis
Dr. Michael Amlung explores the challenges in prevention and enforcement that come with cannabis legalization.
Hamilton Spectator: Smoking pot puts youth at higher risk of psychosis
Dr. Suzanne Archie discusses the mental health risks associated with Cannabis use.
Hamilton Spectator: Hamilton centre on the forefront of cannabis research
Read about the latest cannabis research coming out of St. Joe's and McMaster University.
Hamilton Spectator: Think critically about cannabis use
As legalization looms, research centre tackles marijuana myths and misinformation, Andrew Dreschel writes.
The Globe and Mail: do's and don'ts of talking to your kids about cannabis
Dr. James MacKillop outlines some strategies to use and says that talking about cannabis at home should be an ongoing dialogue.
WEED Talk: Marijuana, Mental Health, and YOUth
An education event for youth, families, and the Hamilton community with expert speakers and interactive booths.
Media Relations at St. Joe's
Are you looking to speak with an expert? St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is pleased to work with local and national media outlets to share information about our expertise in research, clinical programs and thought leadership in healthcare innovation.
Members of the media can access our Public Affairs team 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
During regular business hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm) please contact: PublicAffairs@StJoes.ca
After hours, or on weekends and holidays, please contact the hospital paging at 905-522-1155 ext. 33311 and ask to have the Public Affairs person on-call paged.