In Hospital Accessibility Services
Language Access (Translation Services)
Language translation services are available to patients and their families to help with communication with members of the health care team in the delivery of health care. There is no charge to patients and/or family members for the translation services. Services are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Translation Services
Please inform your health care provider if you need the services of a language translator to help with communicating with the health care team. The translation services that are available at SJHH are telephone translation services and in-person interpreters.
American Sign Language
Sign language translation services are arranged as needed to help the patient/family with communicating with the health care team.
Google Translate
The Google Translate option has been added to St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton web pages to allow visitors/patients/families to instantly translate between English and over 100 other languages. Select the desired language from the drop down list located at the top of the web page.
For questions or support with Translation Services at St. Joe's Hamilton, please contact,
David Pitt
Telephone: 905-522-1155 x 34952
For Deaf, Deafened and Hard of Hearing
TTY pay telephones are located in various locations within each St. Joe’s Campus; please see below for location details. TTY telephones are also available for inpatients for a fee that can be paid by cash, VISA or personal cheque.
- Main lobby
- Outside the cafeteria, 2nd floor Mary Grace Wing
- Within the hallway outside of the Emergency Department
- Within the Urgent Care Centre
- Outpatient Entrance, Level 0
Wheelchair Access By Campus
Charlton Campus (50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton)
Wheelchairs are located in the Hospital’s main lobby. Please do not remove
wheelchairs from Hospital property. Wheelchair access is available throughout the Hospital as follows:
- Main Entrance, Sister Mary Grace Wing
- Emergency Entrance, Luke Wing
- Washrooms throughout the hospital (identifiable by the universal wheelchair symbol)
- Cafeteria (via elevator from first floor), Sister Mary Grace Wing
- Chapel, Sister Mary Grace Wing
King Campus (2757 King Street East, Hamilton)
- Main entrance
- Cafeteria (via elevator from first floor)
West 5th Campus (100 West 5th Street, Hamilton)
- Outpatient Entrance, Level 0
- Main Entrance, Level 1
Patient Escorts
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton has volunteers on duty throughout the day. The volunteers wear blue smocks or yellow shirts and will be happy to assist you to your appointment, or to locate and visit a loved one. Please note that our volunteers cannot lift or transfer you.
Service Animals
Registered service animals are permitted in St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Service animals are required to have identification upon entering the hospital, be at least one year old, and must have an annual certificate (not required to be carried).
Temporary Disruptions
We are committed and focused on accommodating persons with disabilities when using services and/or obtaining goods from SJHH. Although rare, there may be times when disruptions in service occur due to circumstances outside of our control. When disruption for a week or more is planned, advanced notice will be provided at the affected facility and on this page of our website.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback about accessibility at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, please contact Patient Relations at 905-522-1155 ext. 33838.
For more information regarding the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, please click here to access the AODA Ontario provincial website.