Health Information Management (Health Records)
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (“SJHH”), Health Information Management (“HIM”) Department manages the collection, use, storage, retention and access to your personal health information record for patient care, research, planning and quality/risk management. You have a right of access to your personal health record, subject to limited and specific exceptions under the Personal Health Information Protection Act (“PHIPA”).
If you would like us to release your information to a third party who is not also your health care provider, we will require your consent .If you would like a copy of your health information, or would like to have a copy of your health information sent to your other health care providers, please see below.
Note: please click on of the following headings below to expand each section.
Requesting Access to Personal Health Information:
Please submit your request in writing, or use our access request form below:
- Request for Access to Personal Health Information (Online Submission Format) *Works best when opened using Internet Explorer as your web browser.
- Request for Access to Personal Health Information (Printable Format)
Once you have submitted a complete request, please allow for SJHH to respond within thirty (30) days. If an extension of time is required to process your request, you will receive formal notification. You will receive a letter informing you of any expected fees for processing your request. You may submit payment by cash, credit (in person or over the phone), or certified cheque (made payable to "St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton"). Once payment has been received, your request will be completed. We may reduce or waive fees where circumstances warrant. You may choose to receive records electronically by secure email, or as paper copies. We will advise you if we had to except any information from disclosure. You have the right to appeal our decisions.
Please submit your request along with proof of legal signing authority (such as SDM/POA paperwork) and documentation attesting to the incapacity of the patient from a healthcare professional. The Power of Attorney does not apply to the right of access to personal health information of deceased persons.
If you wish to submit a Request for Access to Information of a Deceased Individual, please complete the form below. Additional information about our request requirements and process can be found here.
Once you have submitted a complete request, please allow for SJHH to respond within thirty (30) days. If an extension of time is required to process your request, you will receive formal notification. You will receive a letter informing you of any expected fees for processing your request. You may submit payment by cash, credit (in person or over the phone), or certified cheque (made payable to "St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton"). Once payment has been received, your request will be completed. We may reduce or waive fees where circumstances warrant. You may choose to receive records electronically by secure email, or as paper copies. We will advise you if we had to except any information from disclosure. You have the right to appeal our decisions with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario ("the IPC")
To learn more about accessing information about deceased individuals in Ontario, please click here.
Please submit a request in writing describing the records you require, and please be sure to include the patient’s full name and date of birth. Also, you are required to include a signed authorization directed to St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton of the patient or their SDM/POA/Executor, along with the documentation supporting their signing authority. Authorizations are valid for 90 days from the date of signing. Payment is required in full prior to the release of the records. When processing is complete, you will be provided with a cost quote outlining the fees for the request, in accordance with our fee schedule. Cheques must be made payable to “St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton”.
Generally, we do not charge fees to provide your health information to other health care facilities or physicians within your Circle of Care. St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (“SJHH”) has a responsibility to communicate with your family physician, so that he/she may provide, coordinate, and support your care.
Please note that we automatically forward information to your primary care or referring provider(s) on file.
For instance, SJHH advises your family physician of your admission and discharge, and automatically sends information to them. This may include your inpatient discharge summary, Emergency, or Urgent Care records.
In addition, your health care provider may be able to access some of your SJHH health information using ClinicalConnect.
SJHH will provide additional information to your family physician, if requested, or unless you tell us otherwise. If you wish to restrict disclosure of information to your family physician or any other health care provider, please let us know before you are discharged, and contact the Privacy Office with any questions or concerns. You may also want to request a Consent Directive, or “lockbox”. For information on consent directives, please click here.
If you wish for SJHH to send information from your health record to one of your treating healthcare professionals, please complete and submit this form.
Once you have received a copy of your health record, you have a right to request correction if you feel information is incomplete, inaccurate, or incorrect for the purposes for which we use the information (i.e. to provide you with care). We will require a clear description of your concerns, and any information which may validate the requested correction(s). Please note that we can only make corrections to factual information about you (i.e. an incorrectly spelled name, an incorrect address, an incorrect birth date, a change of marital status, etc.). Professional opinions or observations made in good faith are not subject to correction under PHIPA.
Please complete one of our correction request forms (below) and return it to the SJHH Privacy Office:
- Correction to Personal Health Information Request Form (Digital Format) *Works best when opened using Internet Explorer as your web browser.
- Correction to Personal Health Information Request From (Printable Format)
Once we receive your complete correction request, we will try to respond within thirty (30) days. If an extension of time is required to process your request, you will receive formal notification.
For any questions regarding correction requests, please contact the SJHH Privacy Office by email at privacy@stjoes.ca.
Please click here for more information.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (St. Joe’s) joined compassionate care with the latest technology with the launch of MyDovetale, a secure online portal that will help you and the people involved in your care take a more active role in managing and monitoring your health. MyDovetale is free for you to use!
Accessible online from any computer or smartphone via the mobile app, MyDovetale gives you and your loved ones the opportunity to:
- View current health information: medication list, allergies, medical history, lab test results, and diagnostic imaging reports
- View and download a Request for Access to Personal Health Information
- Access help materials such as guides, tip sheets, and videos
- Identify and update communication preferences
- Update your demographic information such as address and phone number
Additionally, you will be able to use the following features with some of our participating clinics:
- Securely message your St. Joe’s Care Team; your Care Team can include nurses, physicians and other support staff
- View all appointments at St. Joe's
- Cancel and request appointments at participating clinics o Launch video visits with your St. Joe’s Care Team
For more information about our patient portal, MyDovetale, click here.
SJHH HIM can provide you with... |
SJHH HIM cannot provide you with… |
✔ A “Proof of Birth” letter, stating: the child was delivered at SJHH, delivery date, Mother’s name, and delivering physician’s name. Please refer to the request process above. |
✘ A Birth Certificate To obtain a birth certificate, contact Service Ontario at 1-800-461-2156 or visit the Service Ontario website. |
✔ A “Proof of Death” letter, stating date of death, name of most responsible physician, hospital location, and discharge diagnosis. A copy of the discharge summary may also be provided. Please refer to the request process above |
✘ A Death Certificate To obtain a death certificate, please contact Service Ontario at 1-800-461-2156 or visit the Service Ontario website. |
✔ A “visit history” letter noting all of your encounters at SJHH, and your most responsible physician. This may act as “proof of hospitalization” Please refer to the request process above |
✘A CD with SJHH diagnostic images. Please re-direct your request to the SJHH Film Library at 905-522-1155 ext. 33606. |
Related Links:
Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information (Online Submission Format)
Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information (Printable Format)
Correction to Personal Health Information Request Form (Digital Format)*
*Works best when opened using Internet Explorer as your web browser.
Correction to Personal Health Information Request Form (Printable Format)
Health Records - Fee Schedules
Diagnostic Imaging Fee Schedule
Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA)
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
Contact Us
Health Information Management Contact Information:
For more information on St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton's release of information procedures and policies, contact the Health Information Management Department at:
Charlton Campus |
West 5th Campus |
King Campus |
50 Charlton Avenue East Email:relinfo@stjoes.ca
100 West 5th Street Email:relinfo@stjoes.ca |
2757 King Street East Email:relinfo@stjoes.ca