Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program
What this program does...
The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) program provides access to free, evidence-based psychotherapy and related approaches for individuals 18+ with depression, anxiety and anxiety-related concerns.
How this program helps...
OSP is structured to provide short-term support, focused on a particular problem or goal, using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Different treatment options are offered based on the level of care that meets each client’s individualized needs. Many clients will begin with treatments that combine self-led strategies, such as the BounceBack program which provides guided workbooks, with support from a coach by telephone. Additional services include structured group or one-on-one therapy, virtually or in person within the community.
Topics Addressed:
- Depression and low mood
- Generalized anxiety and worry
- Social anxiety and performance fears
- Unexpected panic attacks and agoraphobic fears
- Health anxiety
- Obsessive-Compulsive concerns
- Post-traumatic stress
- Specific fears
- Other anxiety- and stress-related problems (e.g. work stress, test anxiety)
Funding and governance of OSP
OSP is funded through Ontario’s Roadmap to Wellness mental health and addictions strategy. The Ontario Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence is responsible for supporting implementation and oversight of OSP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and its partners.
- In Ontario’s West Region, OSP is managed through a partnership between St. Joseph’s Health Care London and St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, along with a number of community organizations who provide local therapy to clients. Learn more at OSPWest.ca.
How to Access OSP West
OSP West accepts referrals from health care providers and self-referrals from potential clients. To learn more and to access referral forms, visit OSPWest.ca. Health care providers using the Ocean eReferral Network can make a referral by searching for “OSP West”.