Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic (ATRC)
What this program does...
The Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic's (ATRC) mission is to provide excellence and leadership in evidence based clinical service, education and research for anxiety disorders.
Our team of experts offer comprehensive evaluations and proven treatments for anxiety-related conditions. Treatments at the ATRC include both medications and effective psychological treatments. Our interdisciplinary staff is available to consult with your family doctor, psychiatrist and other professionals who are involved in your care. A physician referral is required to access care at the ATRC – for more information on how to access the clinic, please review our Referral Section.
"Anxiety Disorder" is an umbrella term that covers several different presentations of anxiety characterized by irrational and excessive fear, apprehensive and tense feelings, difficulty managing daily tasks and/or distress related to these tasks. Research shows that up to one in four adults has an anxiety disorder sometime in their life, and that one person in 10 is likely to have had an anxiety disorder in the past year. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in women, and are second only to substance use disorders in men.*
*Adapted from Anxiety Disorders: An Information Guide © 2009 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
At the ATRC we care for people with the following conditions:
- Panic Disorder
- Agoraphobia
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Specific Phobias
And in some circumstances, we have limited treatment options for:
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Illness Anxiety Disorder
How this program helps...
The good news about anxiety disorders is that they are treatable.
We provide treatments that have been evaluated by research to be effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders. We also provide monthly "booster groups" for people who have completed our treatment program and want additional support. See the booster group schedules listed in the Support Group section below.
The ATRC is committed to providing learners from various health care disciplines with training in state-of-the-art assessment and treatment methods for anxiety disorders to develop the expertise of future health care professionals to address anxiety-related problems and increase the accessibility of treatment options. As such, psychology or psychiatry residents and other closely supervised trainees regularly provide assessments and treatments.
We continually evaluate the treatments that we provide, so in the course of your treatment you may be asked to complete questionnaires or participate in other studies. Participation in any research study is completely voluntary. The Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University has approved all studies conducted in our clinic.
We carry a full line of books on anxiety disorders and related topics for professionals and self-help. You can purchase a book from our clinic's waiting room at the West 5th campus, or at the Outpatient Pharmacy located in the Main Lobby of St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, Charlton Campus. You may also find them at the public library, order them online, or from your local bookstore. Please see the ATRC Bookstore section on this website for a list of available books for sale.
The Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic is located on Level 1 at St. Joseph's West 5th Campus.
Click here to download a Map and Directions.
The Clinic's Hours of Operation are: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For more information please contact:
Lisa Harrison, Reception
Tel: 905-522-1155 ext. 35377
Dr. Karen Rowa
Medical Director:
Dr. Maiko Schneider
Click here under 'Mental Health Resources' for mental health tips sheets during COVID-19 to view, download or print.
Referral Process
Referrals to this program, with the exception of Pediatric OCD referrals, are processed by Connect, St. Joe’s centralized intake service for Mental Health and Addiction Outpatient Programs.
For Connect Mental Health and Addiction Outpatient Program Referrals:
Click here to access the Connect referral form for the Mental Health and Addiction outpatient programs.
For Pediatric OCD Referrals:
Click here to download the Pediatric OCD Referral Form and fax to 905-521-6120. For more information, please contact Lisa Harrison - Tel: 905-522-1155 Ext. 35377.
Information Sessions & Support Groups
A Family Education Series on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents: The ABC's of OCD Seminar (held quarterly)
Booster Groups - Please note that due to ongoing physical distancing requirements during the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have now moved our Booster Groups to an online format using the secure video platform Zoom. Anyone wanting to participate in a Virtual Booster Group will need to meet the following requirements:
- Access to a secure Internet connection and a device such as a smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, etc with a camera feature.
- Be registered for a MyDovetale account (see details below)
- Access to a private space for the duration of the group where no one else can hear or see others on camera (we encourage the use of headphones if possible). This is to provide privacy and confidentiality for all members joining the group.
The time of our Booster groups has been changed to 3:30pm-5:00pm.
If you are interested in participating in Virtual Booster Groups, REGISTRATION AHEAD OF TIME IS NOW REQUIRED. We are not currently able to offer the Virtual Booster Group as a drop-in program. You must call to register by 5pm the day before group in order to participate but we strongly encourage registering earlier.
If you would like to register to attend a Virtual Booster Group, please contact the clinic at (905) 522-1155 ext. 35377 and indicate which Booster Group you are registering for. If you do not already have a MyDovetale Account set up, a staff member will contact you and send you the required information.
Please call the clinic at (905) 522-1155 ext. 35377 if you have further questions.
View our 2025 Booster Group schedules for those people who have completed our treatment program and want additional support:
Booster Group Schedule for OCD
Booster Group for Panic, Social Anxiety, or Excessive Worry
Booster Group Schedule for PTSD
Booster Group Schedule for Family-Focused OCD
Teaching and Training
The clinic is involved in the training of health-care professionals. It is possible that psychiatric residents, clinical psychology residents, or other closely supervised trainees may provide some of your assessments and treatments.
Our commitment to providing clinicians with specialized training in the treatment of anxiety will increase the range of treatment options available to people suffering from anxiety problems.
Contacts for Training at the ATRC:
Clinical Psychology
Randi E. McCabe, Ph.D., C.Psych
Email: rmccabe@stjoes.ca
For information about Residency and Practicum Training in Psychology at St. Joseph's Healthcare, follow the links:
Clinical Psychology Residency Program
Clinical Psychology Practicum Training
Dr. Luciano Minuzzi
Email: lminuzzi@stjoes.ca
Social Work
Hee Joo Lim, MSW, RSW
Email: hjlim@stjoes.ca
Carrie Bullard, RN, Ph.D., CPMHN(c)
Email: cbullard@stjoes.ca
Occupational Therapy
Tanja Colonerus, OT Reg. (Ont)
Email: tcoloner@stjoes.ca
Other Training
Randi E. McCabe, Ph.D., C.Psych
Email: rmccabe@stjoes.ca
We are continually trying to learn more about the causes of anxiety and the best ways to help people to overcome their anxiety problems. Our staff is internationally known for publishing numerous books and scientific papers on the nature and treatment of anxiety disorders. Through research at the ATRC and similar clinics around the world, there have been enormous advances in the treatment of anxiety in recent years.
Eligibility for participation in these studies is determined by clinical and research staff following your initial assessment. Participation is never mandatory, and a decision to decline study participation will in no way detract from or interfere with your treatment.
All studies at the ATRC have been reviewed and approved by the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board at St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton and McMaster University.
Current Projects at the ATRC
Validation of the Diagnostic Assessment Research Tool (DART) for DSM-5 Disorders
Contact: Elizabeth Pawluk, Psychologist; Luke Schneider, Psychologist, or Natalia Musielak, Research Assistant
The Diagnostic Assessment Research Tool (DART) is a new diagnostic interview created by psychologists at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton to assess common mental health disorders. The DART is intended for use in both clinical and research settings, while also minimizing burden and inconvenience for patients and researchers through its modular design. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the DART to ensure confidence in its ability as an assessment and research tool.
Individuals referred to the ATRC for a standard intake assessment will be invited to participate in the study, which will involve up to two study visits each lasting approximately two hours. Participants who complete the study will receive $30 in compensation for each visit as well as a complimentary parking pass.
For more information about the DART, please visit https://psychiatry.mcmaster.ca/research/dart
Reasons for Discontinuing Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
Principal Investigator: Karen Rowa
Co-Investigator: Irena Milosevic
This is an online study about why individuals prematurely discontinue group therapy at the ATRC. Participants who started but did not complete group CBT at the clinic will be contacted and asked to complete an online survey that takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
- Status: Active
Thinking Styles in Anxiety Before and After Treatment
Principal Investigators: Joelle LeMoult, PhD, UBC, local PI: Karen Rowa
The aim of this study is to help understand more about anxiety and the way people think and respond when in different moods. Participation in our study involves completing different questionnaires and computer tasks that are administered in a session before starting therapy for generalized anxiety disorder and then after therapy is complete. Participants are reimbursed for their time.
- Status: Active
Endowment and Ownership in a Clinical Sample of Adults With Hoarding Disorder.
Principal Investigators: Karen Rowa and Noam Soreni
The objective of this study is to better understand the development and persistence of ownership and psychological attachment to possessions for people with hoarding disorder. We are also interested in how people attach value to their personal possessions. Participants with and without hoarding disorder symptoms are asked to come into the ATRC for a single research session to complete computer tasks and paper and pencil tasks.
- Status: Active
Investigating the cognitive and behavioural mechanisms of action of transcranial direct current (tDCS) stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Principal Investigator: Noam Soreni, MD
Co-Investigators: Karen Rowa, Ph.D., C.Psych.; Randi McCabe, Ph.D., C.Psych.
We are investigating the use of a new and exciting technique called transcranial direct current stimulation (or, tDCS), which is a form of neuromodulation. In this study, we are aiming to assess the effects of tDCS on several cognitive and behavioural variables in order to gain information about how this technique might be helpful in the context of OCD. This is not being used as a treatment in this study. Participants must be currently enrolled in group CBT for OCD at the Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic, and your group will be visited be research staff to collect information from interested individuals. Participants will be reimbursed for their time.
- Status: Active