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SJHH / About/ Media Room/ Social Media

Social Media

Join the Conversation Online

We are engaged in an open dialogue about health care in our community online through key social networks. Join us in the conversation by choosing from the social network best suited for your needs. Remember that all posts and interactions with our social networks are subject to our Public Social Media Policy, here.

Our Public Affairs Department engages in conversation on each of the following social media accounts between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday.

instagramInstagram: Follow our organization on Instagram as we capture and share moments that take place within our hospital through images and video. 

Facebook IconFacebookConnect with St. Joe’s and learn about up-coming events, news, announcements and stories. .

Twitter IconTwitterFollow @StJoesHamilton to share local health care stories, ideas and news. @SJHHpresident - President's Twitter account.

LinkedIn IconLinkedin: Follow our organization on LinkedIn to find up-to-date job postings, celebrate our staff and to connect with other like-minded healthcare professionals at St. Joe’s. 

Youtube IconYouTubeFind St. Joe’s latest infotainment and videos on our channel.

We are looking forward to sharing with you! If you have any questions about our social media accounts, please contact the Public Affairs team by emailing