Strategic Sourcing and Logistics
To provide strong leadership in supply chain processes, through knowledge, teamwork, and communication, with the aim of enhancing efficiencies and obtaining best value for the hospital, as well as ensuring fairness and transparency for the public community.
Who we are:
The Strategic Sourcing and Logistics Department is responsible for facilitating supply chain activities throughout the hospital in a way that optimizes external spend, in an effort to support the hospital’s mandate of placing patients first.
How we will succeed:
- We will play a fundamental role in the hospital’s goal of process standardization, efficiency, and clear communication by streamlining policies, processes, and procedures.
- We will lead the hospital toward identifying and realizing savings by working with stakeholders to obtain best value for our customers.
- We will strengthen our supply chain networks through the St. Joseph’s Health System, our Group Purchasing Organization, Shared Services Organization, and other LHIN partners.
- We will uphold the hospital’s commitment to legislative compliance by providing leadership and expertise regarding the Broader Public Service Accountability Act, S.O. 2010, c.25
- We will support the hospital’s dedication to innovative practices by working ethically and professionally to introduce new products