Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services (Including Peer Support)
Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services (Including Peer Support)
Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services are comprised of a number of peer run and driven initiatives in the Mental Health and Addiction Program.
All staff and volunteers have the lived experience of mental illness and/or addiction and/or as family members.
The model of services is based on recovery oriented care and peer support values and principles which support the philosophy and practices of psychosocial rehabilitation in providing peer support to individuals experiencing mental illness and/or addiction and their families.
Services are available to individuals and family members involved in inpatient and outpatient services of the Mental Health and Addiction Program.
Individuals may be registered directly to the department. Self-referrals, provider referrals, and drop-ins are welcome. Access our referral form here.
Services are limited to adults 18 years of age and over.
How do I access Peer Support Services?
Individuals can be referred or self-refer to the Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services by phone or in person. Click here to access the referral form.
Once a referral form is complete a Peer Support Provider will contact the individual being referred to confirm their interest and goals for receiving Peer Support.
What is Peer Support?
Peer Support acknowledges that individuals living with mental illness/addiction and their families can better understand and relate to others who are trying to deal with their own mental illness/addiction and/or that of a family member or friend.
What is Recovery?
Recovery is a personally defined experience that is unique for everyone. It may mean complete absence of symptoms for some individuals, while others may learn to thrive while living with symptoms. Either way, recovery means that despite mental illness/addiction a person can live a full and flourishing life - whatever that may look like for them.
What is a Peer Support Provider?
A Peer Support Provider is someone who has lived experience with mental health and/or addiction concerns. They are employed by the hospital to help others on their recovery journey. A Peer Support Provider is someone who will listen non-judgmentally, offer emotional support, and use their own lived experience to encourage individuals in creating a life worth living.
1-1 Peer Support:
Individuals are matched with a Peer Support Provider to receive one-to-one Peer Support. This occurs through role-modeling, listening, problem solving and facilitating access to other peer driven services. Our goal is to provide the best individualized support which meets the needs of our peers.
What is Family Peer Support?
A range of supports are offered to family and friends of persons living with mental illness and/or addiction who are using, have used, or think they may benefit from our inpatient and outpatient services. Family Peer Support is offered by the Family Peer Support Provider.
1-1 Family Peer Support:
Drawing on lived experience as a family member, the Family Peer Support Provider can meet individually with family and friends to discuss their needs; help them access essential resources and provide one to one Peer Support.
Peer Support Groups
Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services offers a variety of open and closed peer support groups for both individuals living with mental illness and/or addiction, and family members. A description of each group can be found below. Please note, drop-in groups do not require a referral or pre-registration.
Groups are open to persons with lived experience of mental illness who feels they may benefit from participating in a peer run and driven support group. Weekly discussion themes are determined by group participants and facilitated by trained peer support staff. Self-referrals and drop-ins are welcome. Registration is not necessary.
Thursdays from 12:45 - 1:45 pm - Alternates between virtual and in person. Please call 905-522-1155 ext. 39559 to confirm group details.
Click here for more information.
This group is open to individuals with lived experience of mental illness and addiction issues. DRA is based on the principles of the 12 Steps and the personal experiences of men and women in dual recovery. The primary purpose of DRA is to help one another achieve dual recovery (mental illness and addiction), to prevent relapse and carry the message of recovery to others. Drop-in style group. Referral and registration is not necessary.
Wednesdays from 10:30 am - 11:30 am at the West 5th Campus. Patient & Family Collaborative Support Services, Level 2, Room G209.
Share your thoughts and experiences in an open, caring group atmosphere. This group is peer-led. A peer is someone who has lived experiences supporting loved ones through mental health and/or addiction issues. Weekly discussion themes are determined by group participants and facilitated by trained peer support staff.
Family members/friends only.
Evening Group runs every third Wednesday of the month from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
Afternoon Group runs every Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm.
Call 905-522-1155 extension 35599 to register
Click here for more ifnormation.
These unique workshops have been designed to help individuals improve their mental health and wellbeing, based on both research and the peer leader’s lived experience. Each workshop includes a brief lecture style learning component with interactive activities to get participants involved in creating their own life worth living. Participants can choose to attend workshops of topics that are of interest to them and their recovery. These workshops require registration. Please contact Tara at 905-522-1155 ext. 36679
Offers two educational peer-led groups to reduce risk factors for suicide-related behaviours.
Attempt-Survivor group; a 20-week intervention for adults who have attempted suicide.
Ideation group: a 10-week intervention for adults who have frequent thoughts of ending their life and have not yet attempted.
These groups require a referral and registration. Please contact the deptartment at 905-522-1155 ext. 39559
WRAP groups are offered several times a year for individuals with lived experience of mental illness and/or addiction who are interested in developing a personal self-management plan. This is an 8 week, evidenced based, modularized group covering: Developing a Wellness Toolbox; Creating a Daily Maintenance Plan; Triggers & Early Warning Signs; and Crisis and Post Crisis Planning. WRAP groups are facilitated by trained and WRAP certified peer support staff. Self-referrals are welcome.
This group requires a referral and registration. Please contact the dept. at 905-522-1155 ext. 39559
Family Resource Centre
The Family Resource Centre (FRC) offers free information to help family and friends in their role supporting a loved one with mental illness and/or addiction issues. Located on Level 1 of West 5th Campus, the FRC houses a wide collection of borrowable books, self-help guides, memoirs, magazines, informational brochures, and more. FRC volunteers can share information about support groups and services offered in St. Joe's and in the community. Learn more about visiting the Family Resource Centre.
Mental Health and Wellness Resource Centre

The Mental Health and Wellness Resource Centre Provides easy access to reliable mental health, addiction, and recovery related information. Located in the Galleria, level 2, inpatient side of the West 5th campus, the MHWRC offers a book lending library and additional resources that include print, video, DVD and audio along with access to computers with internet service. Volunteers use their personal experience as persons in recovery to support all visitors to the Centre. Learn more about visiting the Mental Health and Wellness Resource Centre.
Opportunities to get involved
Consists of Family Members of Patients (former and current) of St. Joseph’s Mental Health and Addictions Program The council provides: a vehicle for communication between families and staff; a venue for families to give input into policy and program change and; a safe venue for families to have input where their families have been/are receiving care. Click here to apply
Consists of in, out and ex-patients of St. Joseph's Mental Health and Addictions Program. Council members sit on a range of committees both within and outside the hospital setting. The council supports opportunities for individuals to access information, education and support regarding choices, self-advocacy, peer support and political awareness. Click here to apply.
We are always looking for individuals with lived experience and family members to volunteer in either of our Resource Centre’s. For more information please contact 905-522-1155 ext. 39559 or click here to access the Volunteer Services information and application.
- Patient Bill of Rights
- Family Charter
- Family Information Handbook
- Hope Brochure
- Self-Compassion Brochure
- Gratitude Brochure
- Family 1-to-1 Peer Support
- Family Resource Centre
- Alphabet Soup
- Peer Support Drop-in Group
- Hamilton Directory of Resources
- Virtual Family Peer Support
The Department is open Monday to Friday (holidays excluded).
Resource Centres and staff hours vary, please call ahead to confirm.
St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
West 5th Campus, Rm G209
100 West 5th Street
Hamilton ON, L8N 3K7
For more information please contact:
Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services, Reception
Tel: 905-522-1155 ext. 39559
Fax: 905-381-5654
Family Peer Support
Tel: 905-522-1155 ext. 35599
Family Resource Centre
905-522-1155 ext. 39075
Staff Support ext. 36286
Mental Health and Wellness Resource Centre
905 522 1155 ext. 35406
Fiona Wilson
Tel: 905-522-1155 ext. 36446
Directions to Department:
Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services is located on Level 2, G209.
From the Outpatient Entrance and Main Entrance, take the elevator up to Level 2. Exit the elevator and turn left. You will pass Colour’s Café on your right. Next you will see a sign for, Patient and Family Collaborative Support Services- turn right at this sign. (If you’ve reached the elevators you’ve gone too far!) At the end of the hallway our office is located on the right hand side. Please push the red button and someone will let you in.