Communication & Document Availability
Communication & Document Availability
All documents required under the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, including our Policy, training materials, notices, feedback records and our written program shall be made available to members of the public upon written request. Our current written Program may be accessed here.
When providing any documentation to a person with a disability, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH) shall do so in a manner and a format that takes into account the person's disability.
If requested, an alternate format shall be provided in a manner in which is agreed upon between the requester and SJHH, and which takes into account the person's disability (e.g. Braille, audio recordings, electronic copies). All requests for alternative formats shall be immediately communicated in writing to the Patient Relations Department. Management of the Patient Relations department shall be responsible for providing alternative formats, when requested to a person with a disability.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is committed to providing information in the format that meets your needs. If you need information in an alternate format, please call 905-522-1155 ext. 33838 to contact Patient Relations. We are pleased to assist you in any way we can.
We also encourage you to contact Patient Relations with your feedback. We are committed to continuous improvement and value your compliments and complaints to ensure we are providing optimal services to all who come in contact with the SJHH community. If you wish to provide feedback, offer a compliment or issue a complaint regarding how we provided goods or services to a person with a disability and/or to improve the Policy, Training Materials and/or this protocol may do so by contacting Patient Relations at 905-522-1155 ext. 33838 or by email at patientrelations@stjoes.ca.