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SJHH / Health Services/ Mental Health & Addiction Services/ YWC Group Programming

Youth Wellness Centre - Group Programming

Meandering Minds Book Club

The Youth Wellness Centre has partnered with the Hamilton Public Library, Central Location for a bi-monthly book club for youth ages 17 to 25. Come out and enjoy good company and pizza at the bi-monthly Meandering Minds Book Club.

Contact Info

For more details on the book club, please contact Sarah Kam
hone: 905-522-1155 ext. 36257

Community Connections Group

The Community Connections group is for Youth Wellness Centre clients who want to meet people and get active while exploring Hamilton. We meet every Friday at 3pm at the Youth Wellness Centre: we plan an outing together based on a theme one week, and then the next week, we go on that outing. Previous outings have included picking up craft supplies then heading to a local café for a crafting session for our “Arts and creativity” theme, and bowling for our “Healthy active living” theme.

Contact Info

For more details on the Community Connections Group, please contact Cara Evans
Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 36276