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SJHH / Quality & Performance/ A Commitment to Transparency/ Violence Prevention

Prevention of Violence

Supporting a Safe, Healthy and Respectful Environment

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH) is committed to providing a safe, healthy and respectful environment.

SJHH will not tolerate any form of violence or harassment. Violence and harassment includes: Physical assault of any kind, verbal abuse, racial and identity based insults, physical threats and sexual harassment.

SJHH’s commitment to a safe environment applies to everyone.

Everyone at St. Joe's should expect to work in an environment that allows them to be "safe and well" - where they feel supported by the people around them, and have the tools and policies in place to encourage physical and psychological wellbeing.

Over the past few years we have taken steps to prevent violence, strengthen our response, and provide more support to staff who have experienced violence in a continuing effort to improve our culture of workplace safety. Changes and progress in our continuing work to create a safer workplace environment and culture include:

  • Improved and standardized methods of assessing potential for aggressive behaviour, followed up with the best care plans for patients, and consistent re-assessments.
  • Refined reporting of incidents of violence, staff safety issues and strong communication to ensure such issues are reported and managed to ensure staff safety.
  • Safewards model has been implemented across mental health and addiction programs to improve safety. St. Joseph’s will become a leader in this evidence-based best practice model of care in Ontario when the expansion of this program is complete. The model is proven to reduce conflict through proactive interventions and staff skill development.
  • Improved process of collecting and analyzing information about incidents of aggression which can then help to determine evidence-based changes to improve staff and patient safety.

St. Joe’s is not unique in the need to address safety; this is an issue across Canada. Our goal is to continue to be leaders in this movement. Working with our staff, physicians, patients and family members we will continue to work together to create a safe and well environment.

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