Message From Our Leaders
We are excited to introduce St. Joe’s strategic plan. This charts our direction through five years, enabling us to take bold and innovative steps to lead St. Joe’s through the healthcare challenges of today and to build a healthier community for tomorrow.
This plan reflects the extensive consultation with St. Joe’s staff and physicians, the voices of patients and families, community engagement and input from our healthcare and community partners. It is built on the foundation of our mission, vision and values, and the legacy of our courageous founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton.
Strategic plans are not static documents. This plan was developed in 2019/20 and updated in 2022 to reflect the dramatic changes in healthcare that ensued during those years. It sets a course for St. Joe’s, defines where we will focus our energy and resources, and is a catalyst for action. Goals and outcomes will be assessed along the way to adjust our course to ensure we are successful in a changing landscape. As an integral member of St. Joseph’s Health System, this plan will also play an important role in the broader healthcare system.
This is our promise and our challenge to each other and to our patients and community for these five years: We are Committed to Excellence. Dedicated to Discovery.
We will meet the challenge through four clear directions: Leading. Learning. Building. Caring. Through these directions, we will work with our community to transform patient care, discover life-saving pathways to create a healthier community, embrace and engage our diverse, talented and dedicated workforce, and partner with patients to deliver state-of-the-art care with compassion, dignity and respect, every time.
We invite you to join us on this journey.