Occupational Therapy - Outpatient Hand Therapy Program
What this program does...
The Occupational Outpatient Hand Therapy program at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton:
- Provides assessment and treatment of chronic and acute hand and arm conditions
- Provides assessment and treatment of hand trauma including tendon lacerations, nerve lacerations, fractures and crush injuries
- Assesses for hand and upper limb function
- Fabricates custom thermoplastic splints and fits prefabricated splints for the hand and upper limb
- Provides education and treatment for scar care related to hand injuries
- Provides range of motion and strengthening exercises for the hand and upper extremity
- Recommends assistive devices or modifications to activities to improve hand function
- Provides education about upper limb conditions and joint protection techniquesUses treatment modalities: hot wax and ultrasound
- Provides education and treatment for swelling control
- Treats nerve problems including hypersensitivity or decreased sensation
- Provides sensory reeducation and desensitization exercises
- Recommends therapeutic gloves and work and safety gloves for persons with hand issues
How this program helps...
Our dedicated team and skilled team of health care experts will provide you with a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan to help manage your hand and/or arm issues. Our goal is to work with you closely, to improve your hand/arm function and help enable you to do the things you need and want to do in your day-to-day life. All treatment options will be discussed with you and your questions answered.
Your Care Team
Monica Alderson, Occupational Therapist
Manager and Professional Practice Leader for Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Charlton Campus
50 Charlton Ave. E. Hamilton, On L8N 4A6
Bishop Dowling Wing Level 0 (D013)
Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 33700
Fax: 905-521-6135
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Referral Process
A written Doctor Referral is required for assessment.
Registered with:
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
Preparing for Your Visit
- Please bring your written doctors referral.
- Please bring any related X-ray reports if you were referred from a doctor outside of St-Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.
- Allow ample time for parking. {link to new stjoes.ca/patients and visitors/your visit or stay/parking}
- Patients who have had surgery recently should take pain medication prior to attending therapy.
- Patients who have had splints in the past should bring them to the appointment.
- While your appointments with the occupational therapist are covered by OHIP please be aware that splints and devices are not covered by OHIP. You should check with your extended health provider to see if they will cover these items.
- You should wear clothing that allows the occupational therapist to assess your arm properly. For example, wear a sleeveless shirt if you are coming to see the therapist about your shoulder.
- A family member may accompany you to your appointment if needed.
We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
Maps & Directions
We are located at the Charlton Campus, Bishop Dowling Wing Level 0 in Room D013.
Please click here to see directions and download a map of the Charlton Campus.
Registration Procedures
Upon arrival to the Occupational Therapy Department please check in with our receptionist.
Please bring your WSIB claim number if applicable to your appointment.
After Your Visit
All recommendations will be discussed with you and a treatment plan put in place.
A letter will be sent to your Doctor to notify of the final outcome of your assessment and any treatment upon your request.
A bill will be sent from the hospital for any therapy supplies or splints required for your treatment.
You may require follow-up visits or we may facilitate a referral to a community clinic to continue treatment.