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SJHH / Health Services/ Kidney & Urinary Services/ Nephrology Outpatient Clinics

Nephrology Outpatient Clinics

What these clinics do...

The Nephrology Outpatient Clinics include an interdisciplinary care team that provides care to those with chronic kidney disease.

Your Care Team

Dr. Karen To, Medical Director, Ambulatory Care Clinics

Melanie Ball, Clinical Manager



Diabetes Educator

Social Work


Click any of the below clinics to learn more.

Multi-Care Kidney Clinic (MCKC)

What this clinic does:

The Multi-Care Kidney Clinic, also known as MCKC, provides care to patients with advancing chronic kidney disease. The staff in this clinic work with patients to set goals and maintain health while preventing or delaying the need for dialysis.

Map and Directions:

Charlton Campus:
4th Floor Marian Building
50 Charlton Avenue East
Hamilton, ON
Telephone: 905-522-1155, ext. 34940
Fax:905 521 6175
Click here for directions and a map of the Charlton Campus

Stedman Brantford Clinic @ St. Joseph’s Life Centre
99 Wayne Gretzky Pkwy. At Chatham Street
Brantford, ON
Telephone: 905-522-1155, ext. 34940

Click here for directions and a map of the Stedman Branford Clinic

Additional Resources:

Multi-Care Kidney Clinic - Informational Brochure

Kidney Wise Toolkit

The Kidney Foundation of Canada

The Ontario Renal Network

Nephrology and Specialty Clinics

Nephrology and Specialty Clinics

  • General Nephrology
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Hemodialysis Follow-up
  • Transitional Clinic (Young Adults)

Maps and Directions:

Charlton Campus:
4th Floor Marian Building
50 Charlton Avenue East
Charlton Campus
Hamilton, ON
Telephone: 905-522-1155, ext. 36049
Fax: 905-540-6547
Click here for directions and a map of the Charlton Campus

King Campus (General Nephrology & HD Clinics only):
Level One
King Campus
2757 King Street East
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8G 5E4

Stedman Brantford Clinic @ St. Joseph’s Life Centre (General Nephrology & Hypertension only)
99 Wayne Gretzky Pkwy. At Chatham Street
Brantford, ON
Phone: 905-522-1155, ext. 34940

Click here for directions and a map of the Stedman Branford Clinic

Additional Resources:

The PKD Foundation of Canada

Kidney Wise Toolkit

The Kidney Foundation of Canada

The Ontario Renal Network

Glomerulonephritis (GN) Specialty Clinic

Glomerulonephritis (GN) Specialty Clinic

St. Joseph’s Renal Program operates 1 of 6 Glomerulonephritis (GN) Specialty Clinics in Ontario.

What this clinic does….

The St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Specialty Clinic offers complete care, education, and support for people with GN, their families, and their support persons. We have a special team of health care providers to help you manage your life and make your choices. Our team is made up of Nephrologists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Dieticians, and Social Workers.

How can the GN Specialty Clinic Help with your Care?

  • Provide access to multidisciplinary care both during clinic and through referrals
  • Access care closer to home
  • Access to appropriate medication
  • Provide a higher level of GN expertise
  • Manage your symptoms and health issues
  • Decide on treatment option choices
  • Personalize care to meet your needs.
  • Assist with medication counselling with respect to family planning, fertility, and contraception
  • Vaccination review

Map and Directions

The GN Specialty Clinic is located on:
4th Floor Marian Building
Charlton Campus
Hamilton, ON

Phone: 905-522-1155, ext 36049
Fax: 905-540-6547

Click here for directions and a map of the Charlton Campus

Additional Resources

GN Specialty Clinic Referral form (for non-SJHH nephrologists)

Glomerulonephritis Specialty Clinic- Informational Brochure 

The Kidney Foundation of Canada

The Ontario Renal Network


McMaster Kidney Genetics Clinic

McMaster Kidney Genetics Clinic

The McMaster Kidney Genetics Clinic cares for people with all forms of inherited kidney diseases.

What this clinic does….

We offer genetic testing, counseling, and treatment for patients with inherited kidney disease.

How can the McMaster Kidney Genetics Clinic help with your Care?

Do you have any of the following:

  • a genetic kidney disease diagnosis?
  • multiple cysts in both kidneys?
  • chronic kidney disease and a family member who also has severe kidney disease?
  • persistent microscopic hematuria?
  • chronic kidney disease of unknown cause (eGFR below 60 before age 40 or kidney failure before age 50?)

Map and Directions

The McMaster Renal Genetics Clinic Clinic is located on:

4th Floor Marian Building
Charlton Campus
Hamilton, ON

Phone: 905-522-1155, ext 36049
Fax: 905-540-6547

Click here for directions and a map of the Charlton Campus

Referral Process

Please send referral to the general nephrology intake and request consultation in the kidney genetics clinic.