Adverse Reactions/Allergy Testing Clinic
What this program does...
At this clinic, Drs Joseph Greenbaum, Paul Keith and Susan Waserman provide assessment, consultation and management of drug reactions including penicillin, latex and local anesthetics, stinging insect or venom allergy, food allergy and urticaria.
How this program helps...
Patients can be assessed for specific allergies and treatment and education is provided tailored to the patient’s specific needs.
Your Care Team
Physicians, Nursing, Registered Respiratory Therapy, Cardiopulmonary Tech Support,and Clerical.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health
50 Charlton Ave. E.,
Hamilton, Ontario.
Tel: 905-522-1155 ext 35210
Fax: 905-523-5864
Referral Process
Family Physicians can refer patients using the Adverse Reactions Clinic Requisition Form. Please fax a copy of the requisition in to the above fax number.
Preparing for Your Visit
When an appointment is booked, you will receive a package containing information about your test and the date and time of your appointment. Please plan to be in the clinic for up to 3 hours, depending on the amount of testing required.
Four days before your test, you should stop taking any medications that contain antihistamine. Do not take any cough medication, gravol or motion sickness medications. You should continue to take any puffers or nasal sprays if you routinely use this medication. If you have any questions about stopping your medication, please contact your family doctor.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please contact the clinic at the contact number listed above.
We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
After Your Visit
If you require further appointments they will be arranged for you at the time of your visit.