Celebrate Life
Every year St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s Lung Diagnostic Assessment Program (LDAP), Niagara Health, Brant Community Healthcare System and the Regional Esophageal Diagnostic Assessment Program (EDAP) collaborate for the annual event called, Celebrate Life. This event celebrates stories of hope and new beginnings for patients and families who have been touched by our program.
Who is invited?
Patients and families who have been touched by the Lung Diagnostic Assessment Program (LDAP) and the Esophageal Diagnostic Assessment Program (EDAP).
When will it be?
This event is held annually on the first Friday during the month of January at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. The next event is to be confirmed.
If you would like to celebrate your story, please contact Paulette Aubry at aubryp@mcmaster.
Pictured above: Some of the Celebrate Life attendees from the 2015 event.