Monthly feature: Stephanie Trowbridge 2022 Mission Legacy Award winner
Late November we celebrated the 2022 Mission Legacy Award ceremony at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. The Mission Legacy Award recognizes key individuals and departments / teams who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to contribute to the legacy and mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton, St. Joseph's Health System, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and its Foundation.
Each month we will feature a few of the award recipients to share a bit more about how they have made meaningful contributions throughout their time with our health care organization.
This month we feature Stephanie Trowbridge.
In a career spanning more than three decades, Stephanie Trowbridge embraced positions at St. Joe’s from the frontline to Senior Management. Most recently she embarked on the demands of Interim Executive Director of the Research Institute. Through her guidance, she managed to inspire, motivate and instill a confidence in her team that no challenge was insurmountable. Her enthusiasm for the Sisters’ Mission makes her an invaluable SJHH leader.
In 2022, the following groups / individuals were awarded:
Julia Baxter, Dr. Azim Gangji, Brenda Helpard, Dr. Anthony Kerigan, Monoclonal Antibody Clinic Team, Physician Team of Resident (Drs. Clara Lu, Achieng Tago, Tobi Olaiya and Curtis Sobchak), Cathy Pracsovics, Claudia Rodrigues, Frances Szypula, Transplant Team, Stephanie Trowbridge and William J. Walker.
A sincere thank you to each of the past and present award recipients, their hard work and dedication to our organization and the patients we serve is truly appreciated by our staff, patients and families.
If you would like to nominate someone for the 2023 Mission Legacy Awards, click here to download the nomination form. Word document here / PDF document here
Check back next month as we take a moment to highlight each one of the 2022 award recipients. Stephanie Trowbridge will be our next feature for the month of August.