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SJHH / Quality & Performance

Quality, Performance & Accountability

learn more about our strategic plan button with two smiling female staff members

Our Quality Priorities

Our Quality Priorities align with a framework consisting of Six Domains of Quality:

 Patients and staff are not harmed 

Match science to care and make evidence based decisions

Everyone has access to the care they need


Avoid waste, decrease duplication, rework, or needless movement 

Care is received within an acceptable period of time

Patients are full partners in care

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH) is dedicated to providing the best quality care to our patients in an environment that promotes openness, transparency, accountability and trust. We believe that a strong connection between public reporting of performance information and identifying areas for improvement leads to system-wide benefits and best practices that ultimately enhance delivery of care to our patients.

Collage of photos showing examples of hospital patient care

 SJHH uses a number of quality indicators to measure our performance and accountability. To learn more about our safety indicators, click here.


At SJHH, accountability means managing resources as efficiently as possible and measuring our performance against provincial and national benchmarks. We recognize that effective management of our services and resources allows us to focus on our primary role of providing patients with the highest possible standard of care. Being accountable to our patients and community is essential to maintaining public trust and a reputation for excellence.

Patient Relations – By providing a host of ways in which to engage feedback from patients and families, Patient Relations takes a leading role in fostering a culture of service excellence, safety and promoting organizational improvements.

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton receives funding from Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network. The opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the views of Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network.