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SJHH / Quality & Performance/ External Review & Corporate Information/ Environmental Sustainability/ Waste Management


Waste Management

Sustainable waste management models produce synergies that create opportunities for larger and sustained positive benefit. Being able to find these opportunities helps to build the resilience needed in light of an unstable environment, increasing social pressures and insecure economy. We have approached waste management at St. Joe's in this mindset. From recycling, to organics collection to reducing product and supply waste, we have realized notable waste diversion and waste minimization outcomes.

The graphs below demonstrate the impact of our approach to waste management at all three campuses:


Waste Auditing

St. Joe's is compliant with The Environmental Protection Act’s Ontario Regulation 102/94 “Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work Plans.” Please click on the documents below for an overview of our waste audit and waste reduction plan.

Charlton Campus Waste Audit Overview 
West 5th Campus Waste Audit Overview 

Highlight of Recent Projects:

Single-Use Sterile Wrap Conversion
Battery Recycling Month
Disposable Cup Reduction Month
Where Does Our Waste Go?