How to Get Involved
How to Get Involved
Depending on how much time you have to volunteer, there are ways for all patients and their families to get involved. There are a few ways to join us in improving quality care at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH):
- Sharing your story: We love to hear your experiences at St. Joseph's, whether it is a great one or an unfortunate one. To share your experience please complete the form by clicking here. Your story will not be shared without your consent. Some examples of what the stories would be used for:
- Sharing with staff, Joint Boards of Governors, and the leadership team
- Care and services improvement
To particpate in the activities listed below, you need to become a Patient and Family Advisor. For more information on how to become an advisor, click here.
Click any of the below activities to expand the selection.
All major clinical programs have a quality council. Quality councils meet monthly to discuss quality and patient safety and how to provide better care and services to our patients and families. Participating in one of the program councils helps the team to make the right improvements and decisions that reflect patient and family experiences.
There are a diversity of short and long-term projects where patient and family voice is key to work on improvements that align with patients and families' needs.
This council was initiated in 2011 and is consisted predominately of patient and family members. Members of this council work towards enhancing the voice of patients and families in everything we do. They listen to and advise leaders, staff and groups from across the organization regarding improving patient and family care experience.
- Peer Support Council was developed in 1997. The council's goal is to improve the quality of life of persons with mental health illness and addiction. Council members help their peers based on their experiences.
- Family and Advisory Council was formed in 2012. The purpose of this council is to increase opportunities for family members to be partners in care with St. Joseph's to improve patient and family experience and care.