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SJHH / Patients & Visitors/ Patient, Family, & Community Engagement/ Becoming a Patient and Family Advisor

Becoming a Patient and Family Advisor

What is a patient/family advisor?

Patient and Family Advisors are volunteers who provide the perspective of patients and families at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. They partner with staff and physicians to help improve the quality of our hospital's care for all patients and their family members. 

Why should you become a patient/family advisor?

When you or your family member were in the hospital, did you think there were things we could have done better? Do you have ideas about how to make sure other patients and families get the best care possible? At St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, patient/family advisors give us feedback and ideas to help us improve the quality and safety of care we provide.

Apply today!

To apply to be a patient and family advisor to share your story, participate in committee work or short-term projects, or serve on the advisory council, click here.

Serving on the Mental Health and Addiction Program councils

Join one of the Mental Health & Addiction Program Peer & Family Support Councils to help improve the quality of life for patients through sharing lived experiences of mental health and/or addiction. Peers provide support through information sharing, social and recreational activities and advocacy.

Click here to apply to the Mental Health & Addiction Peer Advisory Council.

Click here to apply to the Mental Health & Addiction Family Advisory Council

Contact Information

To submit completed application forms or for more information, please contact:
Phone: 905.522.1155 ext. 33148