Addictions expert shares insight to overdose crisis
Every day across Canada, 22 people die as the result of a drug overdose and dozens more are treated in emergency departments for opioid-related poisonings. This August 31, on International Overdose Awareness Day, leading addictions expert, Dr. James MacKillop, with St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton shares his perspectives on the ongoing crisis, why overdose rates are so high and how we can work to prevent unnecessary deaths.
Are you or a loved one in need of support?
- Call 9-1-1 if you’re having an emergency
- Call or text 9-8-8 for mental health crisis support
- Call 905-546-4276 for overdose prevention information
- Call the 24 hours Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) at 905-972-8338
- Go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department
Obtain a free Naloxone Kit and learn more available through the Hamilton Overdose Prevention Education program, Get Free Naloxone Kits | City of Hamilton
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton offers various treatment options for addictions/overdose prevention including Womankind Addiction Service, Men's Addiction Service Hamilton (MASH), Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic, Concurrent Disorders outpatient services and partners with the Peter Boris Centre for Addictions Research (PBCAR) to integrate the clinical and evidence-based care for those struggling with addiction.