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SJHH / Our Stories/ Events


World Day of the Sick

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday, February 11, 2018 is World Day of the Sick (WDS), an observance started by Pope John Paul II. People around the world are encouraged to pray for the sick and for those who work very hard to ease the sufferings of the sick on this day.

Everyone in our hospital community is encouraged to participate in observing World Day of the Sick and here are some additional ways you can be involved. 

  • The WDS prayer card will be read as part of the regular service being held on Thursday, Feberuary 8th, at the West 5th Campus. WDS will be observed at the Mass held on Sunday, February 11th at the Charlton Campus.
  • On the actual day of observance, Sunday, February 11th, the prayer card will be distributed on patient meal trays at both West 5th and Charlton Campuses as a gift for our patients. The Spiritual Care team will also distribute a few of the prayer cards to staff on units during the week of February 5th - 11th.
  • The spiritual care display cabinet will feature a month-long display for WDS. Please drop by the first floor, Bishop Dowling Wing, outside the Charlton Campus Spiritual Care offices to see this display.  
  • A special computer screensaver has been developed of this year's WDS card that is programmed to run throughout the week leading up to the actual observance, February 11th.

Questions, please contact the Spiritual Care Department at ext. 33263.

Click here if you wish to download the below image.