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*Required FieldSJHH / Health Services/ Mental Health & Addiction Services/ Connect Mental Health and Addiction Outpatient Programs/ I’m a patient or family member looking for help
I’m a patient or family member looking for help
It can be hard to talk about our mental health but asking for help is the first step on the road to recovery. Just by checking out this page, you’ve started working towards wellness. There are lots of different treatment options out there. Connect can help you figure out if we have the right treatment for you . Connect accepts referrals for adults seeking outpatient mental health services at St. Joseph’s.
St. Joseph’s Outpatient Mental Health and Addictions Programs treat a wide range of mental health and addictions concerns. To learn more about our clinics, select from the list below.
- Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic (ATRC)
– with the exception of Pediatric OCD referrals - Cleghorn Early Intervention Clinic
- Community Psychiatry Clinic (CPC) & East Region Mental Health Services (ERMHS)
- Developmental Dual Diagnosis Program
- Eating Disorders Program
- Mood Disorders Treatment and Research Clinic (including rTMS & ECT)
- Schizophrenia Outpatient Clinic (SOC)
- Senior’s Mental Health Clinic- Hamilton & Brant
- Women’s Health Concerns Clinic (WHCC)
- Youth Wellness Centre (Early Intervention Stream)
Looking for something else?
We have many different programs, but there are a few services we do not offer. St. Joseph’s Outpatient Mental Health and Addictions Programs do not offer:
- Pediatric Services
- Individual counselling
- Grief/bereavement counselling
- Parenting capacity assessments for Children’s Aid or custody disputes
- Assessments for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) applications or other insurance applications
- Assessments for legal purposes (criminal or civil)
- Inpatient mental health or addictions programs
If you are looking for services not offered at St. Joseph’s, consider contacting the following resources for more information:
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program (OSP) West: OSP West offers free, short-term, evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for adults 18+ living in Ontario who have depression, anxiety, or anxiety-related concerns. To learn more or self-refer, visit the OSP West website.
Access and System Navigation (ASN) Service at Lynwood Charlton Centre: For child and adolescent mental health and addictions programs, contact the Access and System Navigation (ASN) service at Lynwood Charlton Centre. You can make a referral through their website, or call the Access Line at 905-389-1361.
ConnexOntario: ConnexOntario is an information and referral service, offering system navigation for Ontarians seeking mental health, substance use and problem gambling supports. This service focuses on programs funded by the Ministry of Health.
2-1-1 Community Information and Referrals: For information on government, health, social, and community services across Ontario, call or visit 2-1-1 for assistance.
RedBook by Hamilton Public Library: If you're in the Hamilton area, check out RedBook for a comprehensive list of local resources and services.
Step 1: Talk to your primary care provider
Your primary care provider (e.g. family doctor or nurse practitioner) is trained to assess your symptoms. They can talk to you about your treatment options and help you decide if a referral to Connect is needed. Not sure what to say? We understand, talking to your doctor about your mental health can be a new experience. Check out our Quick Guide to Talking to Your Doctor.
If you don’t have a primary care provider, you can find one by contacting Healthcare Connect at 1-800-445-1822. Many programs at St. Joseph’s require you to have a primary care provider. This ensures you have ongoing support after your treatment at St. Joseph’s is complete.
Step 2: Send a referral
If you and your primary care provider decide that a referral to Connect is right for you, your primary care provider will send us a completed referral form. Our team of mental health clinicians will review your referral and recommend a service that fits with your unique symptoms and history. A clinician may call you for a brief telephone screening to gather more information. This helps us to fully understand your symptoms and goals. Click here to access the referral form.
The referral process can take up to 4-6 weeks. During this time, continue to follow up with your primary care provider for support.
If you are unable to obtain a referral through your primary care provider, you may submit a self-referral.
Please note, the following programs require a referral from a primary care provider and self-referrals are not accepted:
- Developmental Dual Diagnosis Outpatient Program
- Eating Disorders Clinic
- Electroconvulsive Therapy Clinic (ECT)
- Seniors Mental Health
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Clinic (rTMS)
Step 3: Get connected
Once the referral process is complete, the Connect team will contact you by phone. We may recommend an appointment with one of our specialized mental health clinics. We will help you get scheduled and talk to you about what to expect.
If St. Joseph’s doesn’t have the right service for you, the Connect team will direct you to another program in your community.
Having trouble navigating the referral process?
Call Connect at 905-522-1155 ext. 36499 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
We’re here to help
When a loved one is struggling with their mental health or addiction, it can leave us feeling confused, distressed, and helpless. Know that there is help for your loved one, and for you too.
What should I do if my loved one is struggling?
- Talk to your loved one. Let them know you are concerned and that you are there for support.
- Encourage your loved one to seek help. Starting with a visit to a primary care provider is always a good first step. A primary care provider can assess symptoms and talk to your loved one about treatment options.
- Contact a Crisis Service. If your loved one is having thoughts of harming themselves or others, get help right away. In Hamilton, you can contact the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) 24/7 by calling 905-972-8338. If someone is in imminent danger, call 911 or go to your local Emergency Department.
What supports are available for families?
Supporting a loved one with a mental illness or addiction is a unique experience. St. Joseph’s offers support for families through our Patient and Family Collaborative. This program connects you with other family members who have a similar experience. Contact the Patient and Family Collaborative by calling 905-522-1155 ext. 35599.
Connect Mental Health and Addictions Program
100 West 5th Street, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8N 3K7
Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 36499 Fax: 905-389-3815
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM