Family Medicine
What this program does...
The Family Medicine Department consists of more than one hundred family physicians and members of our local midwifery practices. We are committed to maintaining and enhancing the connection between primary health care and specialist care at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. We strongly believe that this relationship is a vital part of the health care system, with important benefits for:
- QUALITY PATIENT CARE: We work closely with the specialist groups in the Hospital, to ensure optimal safety and efficiency for our patients, through efforts to stream-line communications especially around the transitions between hospital and home. We are also engaged in regular quality of care reviews & research to enhance patient care and improve patient outcomes.
- LIFELONG LEARNING: We are committed to the ongoing professional development of our members, as well as any member of the health care community, through educational activities such as rounds and workshops. Many of our departmental members are actively involved in clinical research and we have contributed to several recently published articles in the areas of mental health, reproductive health and paediatrics.
- EDUCATION: Many of our members are affiliated with the Academic Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University, and participate actively in the education of learners in their offices, as well as during their work at the hospital.
- COMMUNITY CARE: We work closely with other community agencies such as the Department of Public Health, and other Family Medicine organizations in this community and beyond to enhance health care initiatives in the region.
Family Doctor Resources
Please explore the following links if you are looking for a family doctor in Hamilton:
- Hamilton Academy of Medicine
- Hamilton Family Health Team
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
- Health Care Connect
- McMaster Family Health Team
Midwife Resources
Midwifery members provide care to pregnant women and their infants in this community, assisting them with both home-based and hospital-based care.
There are several excellent midwifery clinics in Hamilton. Please see the links below for more information:
Our In Hospital Programs
Many of our members provide services within the Hospital, in addition to their work in the community. This work includes:
- Maternity care for low risk pregnant patients
- Newborn care for healthy babies
- Medical care to patients on the Complex Continuing Care ward
- Medical care for psychiatry in-patients
- Palliative care
- Supportive care to patients admitted to hospital
Additional Resources
Please explore the following links for more information about other healthcare organizations in your community.
- McMaster Family Medicine Academic Department
- Family Medicine Association of Hamilton
- Hamilton Academy of Medicine
- Local Health Integration Networks
- Hamilton Health Sciences
- Ontario Medical Association
- College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario
- Ontario College of Family Physicians
- College of Ontario Midwives
Department of Family Medicine, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
50 Charlton Avenue East
Hamilton, Ontario L8N4A6
Phone: 905-522-1155 x33176
Fax 905-521-6055
Dr. Tamar (Tammy) Packer, B.Sc., M.D., FCFP
Administrative Assistant:
Ms. Lisa Waite
We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.