Long-Term Care - St. Joseph's Villa Dundas
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is proud to be in partnership with St. Joseph’s Villa Dundas, one of the largest and most innovative long-term and senior care organizations in Canada. St. Joseph’s Villa (SJV) is a 378 bed long-term care home. The Campus includes residential living, 8 respite care beds and 107 Lease Equity Estate Units. SJV also offers an extensive range of services that promote independent living such as Adult Day Programs, the Seniors in Motion gym and several Medical Community Outreach Clinics. SJV is proud to follow in the footsteps of our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph who ensured that the poor and marginalized had access to compassionate quality care.
To learn more about St. Joseph’s Villa Dundas’ vibrant community, including long-term care, respite care, activity centres and senior life equity facilities, please visit www.sjv.on.ca