Integrated Comprehensive Care (ICC)
What this program does...
The Integrated Comprehensive Care (ICC) program is an evidence-based model of care that supports One Team, One Record, One Number to Call, 24/7.
The Integrated Comprehensive Care (ICC) Program helps patients move smoothly from the hospital setting to their home and community. The ICC Program provides guidance, care and support during this challenging time and while you recover at home.
At St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, we currently offer the ICC program to patients who have:
- Received a hip or knee replacement
- Are undergoing General Surgery, surgery for lung cancer, Thoracic surgery, Head and Neck, Cardiovascular surgery, Urology, Renal Transplant, Peritoneal dialysis; or have a
- Chronic disease such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
If you are a surgical patient, before your surgery you will get more information about this program. You will either meet the ICC Coordinator in person or get a telephone call from them. The ICC Coordinator will be able to answer some of the questions you may have about your surgery, your hospital recovery and assist with planning for your discharge home with the services you need in place so you can recover.
If you are a COPD or CHF patient you will meet the ICC Coordinator in person shortly after admission to hospital and prior to gong home. The ICC Coordinator will be able to answer questions you may have about managing your COPD and/or CHF, your hospital recovery and assist with planning for your discharge home with the services you need in place so you can recover.
In order to do this, the ICC Coordinator works closely with all the members of your health care team throughout your care journey. When you are in the hospital, the ICC Coordinator comes to visit and meets with you and your family to make sure everyone is part of your care plan. Before you go home the services you need are reviewed with you and put into place.
The ICC Coordinator continues to work with you and the St. Joseph’s Home Care team to make sure you receive the care and support you need when you return home. This may include services such as physiotherapy, respiratory therapy and nursing support.
The ICC Coordinator will continue to be available to assist you during your recovery time at home. At any stage in your care journey, you can reach a member of the St. Joseph’s Home Care Team or the ICC Coordinator by calling the dedicated 1-800 provided to you in hospital.
To learn more about ICC watch our short videos below:
Patient Experience
One Care Coordinator - A dedicated Integrated Care Coordinator guides you and your family as you leave the hospital and recover at home.
One Care Team – As an ICC patient you are supported by a tight network of interdisciplinary care providers dedicated to supporting seamless transitions across care settings.
One Number to Call 24/7 - A dedicated call line is available 24/7 to support you and your family should you have health questions or concerns.
One Electronic Patient Record - The ICC program uses one central electronic health record to track your care from hospital to home. This ensures all members of the care team have access to the same patient health information.
Virtual Care - Innovative and easy-to-use technology solutions allow you and your family to stay connected with their care team and receive virtual care in the comfort of your home.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton
905-522-2324 or 1-877-611-0669