Urgent Care Centre, King Campus
Visit www.HamiltonEmergencyWaittimes.ca or click on the graphic above.
What this program does...
Serving the Hamilton community, the St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton King Campus Urgent Care sees more than 62,000 patients a year.
Patients are encouraged to visit the Urgent Care only if and when their condition cannot wait for a scheduled doctor’s appointment.
Our Urgent Care Centre is fully staffed with doctors and nurses who are highly trained in emergency medicine and equipped to perform assessments as a result of blood tests, X-rays and other diagnostic tests.
How this program helps...
Urgent care serves patients with non-threatening injuries and illnesses. Some types of illness and injuries treated in this centre include: cuts, abrasions, cough, ear aches, fever, minor burns, abdomen, pelvic or back pain and simple fractures.
Urgent Care vs. Emergency Department
Many patients wonder when to turn to the emergency department for care, versus when to visit an Urgent Care Centre. The guideline below provides a helpful breakdown of what types of patients St. Joseph’s Healthcare serves at our Emergency Department at our Charlton Campus versus our Urgent Care Centre located at our King Campus.
When to visit the Emergency Room:
- Severe bleeding
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain or pressure
- Broken bones
- Partial or total amputation of a limb
- Trauma or injury to the head
- Sudden dizziness or difficulty seeing
- Severe abdominal pain
*Please remember if you are having any chest pains or pressure, call 911 immediately.
When to visit an Urgent Care Centre:
- Lacerations - deep cuts or wounds that may require stitches
- Sprains, strains, or deep bruises
- Mild to moderate asthma attacks
- Ear infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Upper respiratory infections
- Coughs and congestion
- Diarrhea
- Sore throats
- Insect bites
- Rashes
Your Care Team
Your care team is made up of highly trained Emergency Physicians, Registered Nurses and support staff.
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. / 7 days a week
2757 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario
Telephone: 905-573-7777
Fax: 905-573-4813
Referral Process
Urgent care is a walk in only service. Patients are triaged and treated according to acuity of symptoms. Patients are not accepted to Urgent Care via ambulance.
Maps & Directions
Patients & Visitors > Maps & Directions > King Campus
Registration Procedures
Please enter through the Urgent Care entrance. Take a number directly in front of you from the Qmatic machine. Please sit in the waiting room and you will be called as per severity of your symptoms or number sequence.
We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
After Your Visit
Any follow up instructions are provided to patients by the physician and/or nurse before you leave the Urgent Care Centre.