Centralized Rehabilitation Resource Clinic
What this program does...
Centralized Rehabilitation is comprised of a variety of programs designed to assist people with serious mental illnesses, living both in and out of hospital, to gain or regain valued roles through evidence-based rehabilitation. Programs include:
- Therapeutic Recreation
How this program helps...
The programs follow Psychosocial Rehabilitation principles to deliver person-centred, strengths-based services determined by your own goals for personal growth and development in living, learning, social activities and work.
- Therapeutic Recreation service utilizes functional intervention, leisure education and recreation participation processes. Service is focused on the acquisition and maintenance of resources, skills, knowledge and behaviours, which allow for independent functioning and optimal benefits of a balanced leisure lifestyle.
- A referral to Therapeutic Recreation can provide services within physical, social, cognitive, spiritual and affective domains, on site and in the community. One on one service includes assessment, goal setting, support with implementation and evaluation of progress. Central Rehabilitation Resource Clinic also co-ordinates West 5th Campus recreation therapy participation programs and events 7 days a week, on weekends and evenings, which do not require a referral and are advertised through our monthly calendar.
- Referrals for specific group programs may include Yoga, Imagine Art, Fitness Programs and Leisure Education Groups. For more information, please call (905) 522-1155, ext. 39559.
with Zachary’s Paws For Healing (ZPFH)
- Pets must be a minimum of 1 year old.
- Pets must be up-to-date on vaccinations.
- If pet needs vaccines, it must wait for 2 weeks after shots for the visit.
- If there is financial difficulty with the ability to have the pet brought up to date on vaccines, ZPFH can cover this cost on a case by case basis.
- Patient must have a family member or friend transport the pet to the hospital.
- ZPFH volunteer meets a family member or friend at the main front entrance of the hospital to conduct the visit.
- Once the pet is approved, the patient can have a visit once weekly for an hour while in the hospital and is approved by the unit.
- No pet is too old, too big, barks too much or sheds too much.
- The Unit Manager is sent an email notifying them of the date and time of the visit.
- A pet visit confirmation is also faxed to the unit so they are aware of the date and time of the visit.
- Please remember to notify ZPFH if a patient is released or becomes unavailable for the visit.
Click here fot the family pet visit referral form.
Donations are always welcomed through our website at www.zacharyspawsforhealing.com
For more information or if you have any questions please contact us.
Your Care Team
The dedicated and highly skilled care team at the Centralized Rehabilitation Resource Clinic consists of professionals to assist with supporting people with serious mental illnesses, living both in and out of hospital, to gain or regain valued roles through evidence-based rehabilitation. The team is closely integrated with community resources and supports to provide a coordinated seamless approach to patient care.
- Therapeutic Recreation, contact Sandra Berzaitis-Smith, Senior Recreation Therapist: Centralized Rehabilitation Resource Clinic ext. 905-522-1155 ext.35566
Referral Process
The services are intended for adults with serious mental illnesses and addiction. To learn more about any of our programs, contact Fiona Wilson, Manager Rehabilitation Services at 905-522-1155 ext. 36446.
A referral is required for all services with the exception of drop in programs (gym, leisure lounge) found on the monthly calendar.
To receive a referral package contact: Administrative Assistant, 905-522-1155, ext. 39559.
How to complete the referral form:
- Please clearly indicate in the Presenting Concerns /Referral Goal section of the Connect referral form, that the referral is for CRRC;
- 1:1 Therapeutic Recreation
- Transition Fitness
- Yoga
- Smart Start
- Stretch and Strengthen
- Photovoice
- Add any additional concerns related to your referral.
- Complete the PARQ form
- Complete the Authorization for Disclosure form to Family Physician
- Return all completed forms by fax or mail to the number and address above
Click here to download the referral form. Please fax all forms to 905-381-5654.
All referrals will be processed within 2 weeks. Clients who are concerned about the status of their referrals are welcome to call us for an update.
Maps & Directions
Clinical and administrative offices are located at St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s West 5th Campus, Level 2, Block G.
We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.