Community Treatment Order Program (CTO)
What this program does...
The CTO Program, with consent, provides people with serious mental illnesses and
repeated hospitalizations living in Hamilton and the Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN) 4 region:
- A structured framework for working together with families and providers of inpatient and community support services.
- Support to stay well and live in the community with mental health services. A CTO helps to put an end to the revolving door.
For some people it is a treatment option to provide access to community living under medical supervision with a better quality of life, sometimes in circumstances where the person may otherwise remain in hospital.
How this program helps...
We facilitate collaborative partnerships and opportunities for people to obtain the supports and services needed to successfully transition to community living.
If you meet the criteria for a CTO, you can expect:
- To have a comprehensive plan for community-based treatment of care and supervision that is less restrictive than being detained in a psychiatric facility.
- Your rights are respected and legislative requirements are met.
- Education for you, family members and all stakeholders about the process, roles and responsibilities.
Community Treatment Plans are recovery-based and directed by the complex needs for each individual. A typical Community Treatment Plan developed and delivered by the community mental health team can involve regular physician meetings, weekly case manager meetings, monitoring of medications, supported living environments, attendance at group therapy, skills training or other community activities, and plans for potential crisis/psychiatric emergency.
Your Care Team
You are assigned a Community Treatment Order Coordinator who will work with you, your family or Substitute Decision-Maker, members of your inpatient treatment team and community healthcare providers committed to providing community support and mental health services.
CTO Coordinators: Ben Millard (ext. 36321) & Eleanor Bard (ext. 36742)
Tel: 905-522-1155
Fax: 905-381-5612
CTO Program
St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
West 5th Campus
Level 2, Block D
100 West 5th Street
Hamilton, ON
L8N 3K7
Referral Process
When you, your family or Substitute Decision-Maker and treatment team support the CTO, and after your physician writes an order for the CTO, a social worker completes a referral form and gathers supporting documents.
- Copy of the CTO Referral Form
- Referral Forms and supporting documents are faxed to: 905-381-5612
CTO Program Procedures
The CTO program follows legislative requirements and has in place a monitoring and review process.