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SJHH / Quality & Performance/ Executive Contracts & Expenses

Executive Contracts & Expenses

Executive Contracts


St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton has a rigorous executive performance management and compensation program. Each year, members of the executive team have their performance measured through a number of performance and quality improvement metrics that are tied directly to the annual compensation of executives. The Evaluation Committee of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Joint Boards of Governors (Board) and the Human Resources Committee of the Joint Boards of Governors assess whether the Board approved annual objectives and targets for executives have been achieved. This yearly evaluation is tied to compensation. The Board approves the compensation policy and practices of executives.


St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is committed to accountability and transparency as part of our stewardship of the resources entrusted to us by the public. The document below outlines the components of the current compensation of executives. These components are reflective of changes in hospital accountability legislation including the Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA), the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSAA) and the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act (BPSECA).





*Total Maximum Compensation
Compensation includes base salary, maximum pay at risk linked to performance & quality improvement plan targets and auto allowance.

Dr. Michael Heenan

Dr. Cheryl Williams

Dr. Sarah Jarmain


Ms. Carrie Fletcher



Mr. John Aldis

Mr. Rick Badzioch $257,200


Ms. Tara Coxon


Dr. Lehana Thabane


Dr. Azim Gangji

Base Pay

Amount paid to the executive after removing the amounts for pay at risk and auto allowance.

Dr. Michael Heenan

Dr. Cheryl Williams

Dr. Sarah Jarmain

      Ms. Carrie Fletcher


Mr. John Aldis

Mr. Rick Badzioch


Ms. Tara Coxon


Dr. Lehana Thabane




Dr. Azim Gangji

Pay at Risk (5% to 10%)

Each year 5% to 10% of the executive’s compensation is considered to be at risk and is held back from the total maximum compensation as noted above. It is only paid out (in total or part) when the executive is evaluated and measured for success against the achievement of performance and quality improvement targets.

10% is held back.

5% is held back.

5% is held back.

Michael Heenan, President, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton – Contract

Additional Information

  • Severance: Severance is only provided upon termination of employment without cause, and is used to mitigate financial loss until another position can be found. There is no voluntary resignation allowance or retirement allowance provided.
  • Parking: Senior leaders pay for parking consistent with rates charged for all other staff parking in similar spaces.
  • Auto Allowance: A monthly auto allowance is provided to offset costs of business-related transportation. This is a taxable benefit. President - $1,000 and EVP/VP - $600.
  • Health/Flexible Spending Account: This spending account is also provided to non-executive management as part of the employee benefit plan.
  • SERPs, RRSP Contributions, Mortgage Assistance, Club Membership: None exist in St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton contracts.

Please Note:

The compensation figures provided in this compensation overview may not align with figures provided each year through the Ministry of Finance salary disclosure. These amounts may differ as a result of a number of factors:

  1. Annual salary disclosure is based on a January 1 – December 31 calendar year while St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s compensation program is based on fiscal year (April 1 – March 31).
  2. In certain fiscal years there may be one additional pay period.
  3. The amount of the pay at risk compensation is based on performance and may not be consistent year to year.