Surgery Centre - King Campus
What this program does...
The surgery centre at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton – King Campus features 4 operating rooms where more than 7,000 surgical ophthalmologic procedures are performed annually. The surgical services of focus include:
- Over 6,400 cataract surgeries
- More than 7,000 ophthalmology procedures annually which include glaucoma, cornea and retina cases
- 533 pain and 327 plastics cases per year
How this program helps...
The goal of our cataract surgery program is to improve the visual acuity for the residents of Hamilton and surrounding areas. The centre also provides surgical access outside of a main Operating Room, which is a more comfortable environment for patients.
Cataract is a normal symptom of the aging process. A cataract is an opacification (clouding) of the natural lens inside the eye. If left untreated, it can cause blindness, but for the vast majority of people it is a condition that is easily rectified and the most common surgery performed in the world today.
There are many advantages to cataract surgery that patients appreciate in their everyday life. For example, many people who have cataract surgery find that they no longer need to wear glasses. Some find they don’t need glasses to read, or have to wear glasses for distance vision. All find that they can reduce their dependency on glasses.
Your Care Team
- Clerical staff
- Pre/post operative nurses
- Room based attendants
- Operating room nurses
- Physicians (surgical and anesthesiologists)
King Campus Surgical Centre
2757 King Street East, Hamilton Ontario
905-522-1155 ext. 38047
Fax 905-573-4824
Referral Process
All surgeries are booked through a physicians’ office.
Preparing for Your Visit
- Arrange for a driver to come with you the day of surgery or your surgery will be cancelled
- You are not permitted to drive following your surgery
- Do not eat or drink from midnight day before
- Bring medications and eye drops
- Bring money for parking
- A person who can translate for you if you do not speak English
- There could be a charge associated with your surgery that your physician will notify you of beforehand
We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
Maps & Directions
About > Our Locations > King Campus
We are located on the main floor when you enter through the front doors of the Ambulatory Centre. Follow the hall to the right.
Registration Procedures
Registration will take place before you are assisted in preparing for your surgery.
After Your Visit
Your physician and nurse will provide detailed home care instructions following your surgical procedure.