Mental Health & Addiction Services
Are you having a mental health crisis? Click here.
What this program does...
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH) is the regional leader in the provision of psychiatric care and research, innovating programs to help radically reduce the disability and stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. Specifically, St. Joseph’s is a leader in the areas of early intervention, outreach services, rehabilitation, recovery and integration into the community.
How this program helps...
As a healing place for the mind and body, the West 5th Campus integrates mental health and medical services along with teaching and research facilities, expanded outpatient services for psychiatry, diagnostic imaging and medical services for patients across the South Central Ontario region.
While it is common for persons with mental illness and addiction to experience stigma and barriers to social integration, St. Joseph’s is deeply committed to working with our community partners in mental healthcare to eradicate stigma and promote the fullest recovery for every individual.
Please follow the links on the menu to the left to learn more about each of the specific clinics and services offered as part of the extensive range of mental health and addiction programs at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.