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SJHH / Health Services/ Chest Program/ Thoracic Surgery/ Risk Factors and Prevention

Risk Factors and Prevention


Tobacco smoke contains many harmful chemicals that cause individuals who are directly and indirectly exposed to be at a significantly higher risk of developing adverse health effects, including cancer. Smoking harms virtually every organ in the human body and is the leading cause of death from cancer. There is no safe level of cigarette use and it is strongly advised for everyone to live a smoke-free lifestyle.

Please feel free to contact these organizations for more tobacco cessation assistance:

Smoking Cessation Assistance

Canadian Cancer Society Smoker’s Hotline: 1-877-513-5333


  • Province-wide telephone-based quit smoking service where callers receive individualized support, advice and information from trained specialists. Service available in English or French and is free anywhere in Ontario
  • Talk to trained specialists about withdrawal symptoms, quitting methods, how to deal with slips and relapse, managing stress, dealing with cravings, asking for support and developing a “quit plan”

This service offers:

  • One-on-one personalized support 
  • Advice and information about quitting smoking
  • Self-help materials and community referrals 
  • Quit Coaches who assist with developing a quit plan, coping with cravings, withdrawal symptoms, managing stress and dealing with slips and relapses
  • Third party interpreter service available in over 100 languages
  • Educational opportunities through presentations, displays and promotional materials to organizations and professionals who work with smokers.

Smokers' Helpline Online is an interactive web-based service which includes:

  • Online support groups where questions and experiences can be posted
  • "Quit Meter" that provides personalized feedback about financial and health gains
  • "Quit Buddies", an instant messenger support service 
  • Inspirational e-mail support with information, tips and strategies for remaining smoke-free.

Smokers' Helpline Text Messaging (TXT) offers:

  • Support, advice and information to smokers and tobacco users who are looking to quit, via their mobile device. TXT is a free service. Users' standard text messaging rates apply; check with your mobile phone provider
  • Supportive text messages will be received based on the quit date and preference options. Please go to the website for instructions on how to receive text messages. The first message received asks to confirm agreement to the Terms of Service. By replying "ACCEPT" to the text, a series of messages will follow. The following is an example of a supportive TXT message: "As your body adjusts to life without nicotine, edginess is common. Let others know you are not mad at them but just having a hard time. Emergency Coping Plan: AVOID or LEAVE the situation, DISTRACT, DELAY and use positive SELF TALK”

Hamilton Public Health Services Smokers Helpline: 905-540-5566

City of Hamilton smoking cessation programs: Click here for a full listing of Programs in Hamilton to Help You Quit.


Diet can play an important part in cancer prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Nutrients in food can help to boost the body’s immune system, detoxify the body, and protect the body from harmful substances. It is important to follow Canada’s food guide recommendations to ensure that your body is receiving enough vitamins and minerals to function at its best.

Occupational Hazards

It is important to minimize your exposure to cancer causing chemicals that you may be exposed to in your workplace. This includes exposure to asbestos, benzene, benzidine, cadmium, nickel and vinyl chloride. Although exposure to these substances are more likely if you work as a painter, construction worker, or in the chemical industry, it is important for everyone to be aware of potential hazards in their workplace so they can take precautionary measures against exposure.