Miss You Most Photography Exhibit
About the Exhibit
As leaders in providing care for individuals living with mental illness and addiction, we know that few subjects are as difficult to discuss as suicide.
At St. Joe’s, we want to start a conversation that will increase awareness of suicide prevention and break down barriers to important resources that can save a life.
In keeping with our mission to reduce stigma and encourage proactive dialogue about difficult topics in mental health and addiction, St. Joe’s has helped create an inspiring photography exhibit in partnership with www.LeftBehindBySuicide.org.
Photographer Scott Chisholm’s work focuses on capturing people who have experienced a suicide loss and sharing their stories by framing their own writings about loss and recovery along with stunning photographs.
These images challenge us to reconsider our perspectives on suicide loss, inspire us to ask difficult questions, and remind us how precious life is.
The Miss You Most photography exhibit is currently on display at the West 5th Campus of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. It is located on Level 0 in the corridor leading to the Medical Outpatient Clinics, and is open to viewing at any time, 7 days a week.
If you, or a loved one is seeking help or support, click on the link below for a list of resources available:
Mental Health Support and Resources
Are You in Crisis?
Help is available. If you are in Hamilton:
- Go to the Emergency Department at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Charlton Campus and tell the doctor if you are having thoughts of suicide.
- Call the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) at 905-972-8338 or online at www.coastHamilton.ca.
- In an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Across Canada, you can find a crisis centre
Sharing Hope & Resiliency
There are many on-line websites with information and support about suicide prevention. The websites listed here can guide you to many more resources. Please note that these links are provided for information purposes only and St. Joe’s is not responsible for their content.
The Miss You Most exhibit is located at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton West 5th Campus, in the Level 0 corridor by the Medical Outpatient clinics.
The West 5th Campus is located at 100 West 5th Street in Hamilton, Ontario.
We welcome your feedback on the Miss You Most exhibit. Send your comments to MissYouMost@StJoes.ca