Our 125th Year Anniversary
In 1890, our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton opened a 25-bed general hospital. Now, 125 years later, with over 700 beds and an established reputation as a leading academic, multi-site hospital, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is celebrating 125 years of caring for our community and beyond.
As an academic health sciences centre with three campuses and a significant research institute, we have the great privilege of living the legacy of our founders in tangible and meaningful ways every day. As teachers, we are educating the next generation of health care providers. As researchers, we are seeking answers to questions that have the potential to improve the quality of life for thousands in our community, our country – and throughout the world.
Our pioneering spirit at St. Joseph’s Healthcare began in 1854 when the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton arrived to care for those most in need, a commitment that only intensified with the outbreak of cholera. Compassionate care for all is their legacy when they opened the doors of our hospital in 1890, and this continues to be infused in the foundation of the work that we do each day at St. Joseph's Healthcare.
For over 125 years, each one of our employees, physicians, learners, and volunteers continue to drive that legacy and focus on collaboration, education, research and partnerships within and around our community. It inspires the future of healing – the mind, body, and spirit - that will renew the promise of health care for the 21st Century as we move forward in today's health care setting.
While our history is deeply rooted in the Catholic faith, it is our people that reflect the best of Canada’s multicultural, multi-faith and diverse community. Regardless of faith or culture, the one characteristic our employees share is a deep belief in the values of our founders.
If you’d like to support the growth of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton as we continue to provide exemplementry care for our community, please visit our Foundation to give a gift and help honour another 125 years: https://stjoesfoundation.ca/125
View photos from our 125th Anniversary internal events held at our three campuses here: